Sweet! Calgary Sun
TORONTO — What’s the secret behind Cadbury chocolate?
Tasteful memories Louisville Courier-Journal
Memory remains a mystery to psychologists, who debate where in the brain memory resides. A job researching old recipes has shown me that a lot of memory must be connected to taste, for I hear from people who cannot forget dishes eaten long ago. This week sees requests for recipes for President Eisenhower's favorite barbecued chicken and Katharine Hepburn's raspberry brownies.
Bon Appetit marks 50 years with a look back NorthJersey.com
LOS ANGELES -- Bon Appetit is 50 years old, and Barbara Fairchild, the magazine's editor in chief, is celebrating.
Bon Appetit celebrates half-century by looking back Contra Costa Times
Bon Appetit is 50 years old, and Barbara Fairchild, the magazine's editor in chief, is celebrating. She played hostess during September at a splashy series of events called the "Bon Appetit Culinary and Wine Focus Beverly Hills": a rooftop dinner at Raffles L'Ermitage hotel; a grand tasting of dishes from 50 chefs at the Beverly Hilton, plus wine and cheese tastings and a poolside cocktail party
Batter's up San Angelo Standard-Times
Newly chic though they are, appearing on an ever wider range of social scenes, cupcakes are still their disarming little selves under all the fancy frosting and avant-garde garnish.
Culinary school's first grads now boast skills to match their passion San Antonio Express News
To be accepted at San Antonio's new culinary school, the Center for Foods of the Americas, prospective students have to show more than previous culinary experience on their résumé. They have to demonstrate their passion for cooking itself.
Speed Bump Baltimore City Paper
THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS: Maryland State Trooper David Keller travels the state giving presentations on the dangers of methamphetamine. WAY OVER THE COUNTER: These common remedies contain pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in homemade meth.
How sweet it is! Toronto Sun
Famed chocolate company celebrates a century of success
Eating out The Star Online
TO CELEBRATE the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncake maestro chef Chai Chee Yuen of Dynasty Chinese Restaurant, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur, has come up with a superb selection of homemade mooncakes using pure natural ingredients.
Going pro Our food editor gets a taste of what it's like to be a chef Deseret Morning News
"I'm starting to think that being a pastry chef is all about covering your mistakes," confided Debbie Moose, a North Carolina cookbook author and newspaper columnist.
Double Chocolate Cake I - All Recipes - Cake
This is a very good chocolate cake, when frosted with a chocolate frosting it is a double chocolate treat.
Double Chocolate Cake II - All Recipes - Cake
If you have a sweet tooth or are a chocoholic, this is the cake for you! Make this cake, and it will not stay long in your house!
double chocolate cake recipe | chocolate cake recipes | dessert
recipes cake recipes online for anyone who loves cooking, including our double chocolate cake recipe.
Chocolate Cake Recipes - Recipes for Chocolate Cakes
Dates are Dandy Double Chocolate Cake - Chocolate Cake Recipe A chocolate cake with dates and chocolate chips, made with a cake mix. Chocolate date cake
Recipes : Double Chocolate Gooey Butter Cakes : Food Network
Recipes from Food Network. Double Chocolate Gooey Butter Cakes 1 (18.25-ounce) package chocolate cake mix 1 egg, plus 2 eggs
Chocolate Cake Recipes - Recipes for Chocolate Cakes
Dates are Dandy Double Chocolate Cake - Chocolate Cake Recipe A chocolate cake with dates and chocolate chips, made with a cake mix. Chocolate date cake
Recipes : Double Chocolate Gooey Butter Cakes : Food Network
Recipes from Food Network. Double Chocolate Gooey Butter Cakes 1 (18.25-ounce) package chocolate cake mix 1 egg, plus 2 eggs
Double Chocolate Cake II - All Recipes - Cake
If you have a sweet tooth or are a chocoholic, this is the cake for you! Make this cake, and it will not stay long in your house!
Recipe: Double Chocolate Pound Cake
recipelink.com Chat Room Recipe Swap From: Nancy,.SanFran Double Chocolate Pound Cake Recipe By : Great American Recipes 1/2 cup Butter or margarine -- room
Chocolate cake Recipes at Food Down Under Recipe Database
Chocolate cake Recipes at Food Down Under Recipe Database - 2360 Recipes for chocolate cake - 200000+ Recipes for 50. Bacardi Double-Chocolate Rum Cake
Vegan Recipes - Cakes - Chocolate - Double Chocolate Layer Cake
Double Chocolate Layer Cake. Cakes - Chocolate - Make this your favorite recipe - Upload a new picture for this recipe. INGREDIENTS. For cake layers:
Chocolate Club's Chocolate Recipes from all Chocolate Types
Chocolate Cake If you would like to add a recipe go to our Chocolate Fettuccine with Rasberries, Chocolate Vanilla Double Dip Creme Brulee,
DOUBLE-CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE. For crust 1 9-ounce box chocolate wafer cookies Using knife, cut around sides of pan to loosen cake. Remove pan sides.