Sweet selection of sugary little darlings The Courier News
Newly chic though they are, appearing on an ever wider range of social scenes, cupcakes are still their disarming little selves under all the fancy frosting and avant-garde garnish.
Cups runover Northwest Herald
The cupcake is a classic, let’s face it. An unsung favorite for eons, in recent years it has hit the culinary pop charts, even the art scene. The sugary little darlings have become big business, but they still retain their cozy place in our hearts.
The wait for Lola is well worth it The Plain Dealer
5body/K1%> As you probably well know, Lola opened the week be fore last. It was nearly a year to the day from the original opening date, but owners Michael and Liz Symon are just happy they no longer have to listen to whines about why the opening is taking so long.
Gluten-free recipes Lawrence Journal-World
Gluten-free recipes from the Celiac Sprue Assn. More recipes can be found at www.csaceliacs.org.
Retromade: Want a great cake? St. Petersburg Times
Want a great cake? Think outside the boxed mix. Start with a good recipe, take your time and follow the directions.
Doughnuts The Oregonian
There are pretenders to the throne, but make no mistake: In the Southwest metro area, these doughnuts are king. There's not a whole lot else inside this nondescript strip-mall storefront except, well, doughnuts cases and racks of doughnuts.
Davidson's Kudzu needs seasoning The Charlotte Observer
Small-town charm is not as easy as it looks. In the case of Kudzu on the Green, a little bistro on Main Street in Davidson, simple things are more than they appear.
‘Fix-It and Enjoy-it’ offers all-purpose, easy recipes for everyday living Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise
Many cookbooks these days are long on dazzle and flash and short on good recipes that people can instantly trust and love. Where are the pot roasts and chocolate chip cookies? Where are the recipes that include the ingredients cooks already have on hand or can easily get?
Asparagus Spears WREG-TV Memphis
Get recipe as prepared by Chef Gary on Live at 9 Wednesday, September 27. Posted By: Ann Powell New Cheesy Potatoes Get the recipe as prepared by Betty Spencer on Live at 9 Thursday, September 21.
Coffee, dark chocolate meld perfectly in cake The Wichita Eagle
For previous installments in our series of dark chocolate recipes, go to Kansas.com. This recipe is a little bit of work, but the result will delight anybody who loves both chocolate and coffee.
Recipe: Buttermilk Chocolate Cake
Buttermilk Chocolate Cake. This is Auntie Bessie's recipe. She still makes it for family get togethers, and we still love it, but she started baking it when
Chocolate Buttermilk Cake - All Recipes - Cake
One of the best chocolate cake recipes I've ever had. A must for chocolate lovers!
DOUBLE CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE Recipe at Epicurious.com
This old-fashioned chocolate cake made our staff swoon! Slowly add oil, buttermilk, vanilla, and melted chocolate mixture to eggs, beating until
German Chocolate Cake history
The cake most likely didn't originate from this Dallas housewife. Buttermilk chocolate cakes have been popular in the south for
Cake Recipe Buttermilk Chocolate Dessert Internet Cookbook
Buttermilk Chocolate Cake Recipe on the Internet Cookbook.
DOUBLE CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE Recipe at Epicurious.com
This old-fashioned chocolate cake made our staff swoon! Slowly add oil, buttermilk, vanilla, and melted chocolate mixture to eggs, beating until
German Chocolate Cake history
The cake most likely didn't originate from this Dallas housewife. Buttermilk chocolate cakes have been popular in the south for
Cake Recipe Buttermilk Chocolate Dessert Internet Cookbook
Buttermilk Chocolate Cake Recipe on the Internet Cookbook.
Chocolate Cakes
Chocolate Cake Recipes. Index. Black Forest Cake : COLLECTION Chocolate Cake · Peanut Butter Buttermilk Chocolate Cake · Chocolate Fudge Cakes (INDEX)
chocolate buttermilk cake recipe | chocolate cake recipes
chocolate cake recipes from the chocolate inn, including our chocolate buttermilk cake recipe.
Chocolate Cake Recipes - Recipes for Chocolate Cakes
This chocolate zucchini cake is made with shredded zucchini, chopped pecans, cocoa, cinnamon, buttermilk, eggs, and oil, along with other ingredients.
HERSHEY'S Kitchens: Recipes: German Chocolate Cake
German Chocolate Cake. Ingredients:. 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Cocoa add to butter mixture alternately with chocolate mixture and buttermilk, beating just
Mary’s Buttermilk Chocolate Cake | Recipes | Bastyr Center for
Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle’s Wallingford district – health information and articles on naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, nutrition,