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Rebranding, Part Two Search Engine Watch's Senior User Experience Analyst Michael Ferguson continues his discussion of the company's rebranding, offering tips and suggestions for anyone considering updating or modifying a web site.
BigHand Digital Dictation Cuts Cost by 80% at Martyn Prowel PR Web
BigHand Digital Dictation has enabled dynamic Cardiff based law firm Martyn Prowel, to cut its temporary cover costs by 80% in just 2 years. Within the first year alone, the firm had saved sufficient temporary staff expenditure to completely pay for the installation of BigHand3. Installing digital dictation has also improved ratios within the litigation department from a fee earner to secretary
The newsletter of Volunteering New Zealand
IAVE President to speak at VNZ AGM Liz Burns, who has just been re-elected unopposed as World President of the International Association for Volunteer Effort, will be the guest speaker at the Annual General Meeting of Volunteering New Zealand to be held in Wellington on 20 November.
Baseball's greatest hits: A study in 'clutchness' Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
For the last five years, Major League Baseball has spoiled us in October. It's not just the improbable comebacks and controversial plays, or even the exceptional number of postseason matchups that have come down to one final elimination game.
The Packet-Cape Cod Techology Council The Barnstable Patriot
This month, an interesting new concept school opened up in Philadelphia. The School of the Future, designed by Microsoft, is taking a new look at learning.
Sending a newsletter can be easily done with a bit of regrouping Contra Costa Times
Q I am looking for a program that will allow me to put out an electronic newsletter to be sent by e-mail. I want something easy to use, above all. I do my own e-mail in Microsoft Office, and there may be a way to use that program, but I can't see what it would be. Any thoughts?
Voice Recognition Software Put To Test CBS News
While suffering from a temporary physical handicap, CBS News Technology Analyst Larry Magid tried out NaturallySpeaking voice recognition software. He reports on the system's effectiveness and even tries it out while "writing" his column.
Blueprint for school savings?; Proposal would standardize building designs Delaware State News
DOVER — With the state’s rapid growth rate bringing more students, many Delaware school districts are facing a need for more school buildings. District residents, however, aren’t always willing to approve referendums to raise taxes to pay for school construction.
Faith calendar The Naperville Sun
Musical Shabbat service: A musical Shabbat service will be led by singer Cindy Michelassi at 8 p.m. at Temple B'nai Israel, 400 N. Edgelawn Drive in Aurora.
Tech Files - Hail alma mater, Microsoft HS! - Business - The Barnstable Patriot - Cape Cod & Islands The Barnstable Patriot
Tech Files - Hail alma mater, Microsoft HS! This month, an interesting new concept school opened up in Philadelphia. The School of the Future, designed by Microsoft, is taking a new look at learning.

Community Tool Box - Tools
Overview Sections: These papers provide background for broad topics within community building and links to tools. CTB: Overview and Gateways to the Tools
Community Tool Box - Home Page
The Tool Box provides over 6000 pages of practical skill-building information on over 250 different topics. Topic sections include step-by-step instruction,
CROETweb: Materials for Safety Talks Safety and Health — Safety
Brief one-page safety reminder tips on over one hundred topics related to safety in the construction industry. Construction Tool Box Talks - A year's worth
CROETweb: Materials for Safety Talks Safety and Health — Safety (NIOSH) > This tool box talk on eye safety, as provided by NIOSH, provides an instructor’s guide and
WCPSS: Safety Toolbox Talks Topics
Footing is as important in lifting as it is in the batter's box. Check tool, equipment and cables frequently for safe condition

WCPSS: Safety Toolbox Talks Topics
Footing is as important in lifting as it is in the batter's box. Check tool, equipment and cables frequently for safe condition
Community Tool Box - Home Page
The Tool Box provides over 6000 pages of practical skill-building information on over 250 different topics. Topic sections include step-by-step instruction,
CROETweb: Materials for Safety Talks Safety and Health — Safety (NIOSH) > This tool box talk on eye safety, as provided by NIOSH, provides an instructor’s guide and
Suggestion: zoom box tool [Archive] - Foxit Software Forums
[Archive] Suggestion: zoom box tool Foxit Reader Pro.
::: Topeak Survival Gear Box Tool Kit: Sports & Outdoors
All these tools are secured in a tiny tool box with o-ring seal and integrated latch and Amazon customers talk about this product and related topics.
::: Bosch PBA-100D iPod Dock for Power Box: Tools & Hardware Bosch PBA-100D iPod Dock for Power Box: Tools & Hardware. Amazon customers talk about this product and related topics. Related forums
by asking your class to think of questions that could be asked about the topic; Suddenly the students can reach into their questioning tool box and
The UC Berkeley Interactive University Project
inactiveTopic Scholar's Box, topic started 4/30/2004; 10:39:24 AM The IU is building both a Scholar's Box tool as well as an abstraction framework that

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