TIMES DIET CLUB: And the season of elastic begins Contra Costa Times
UH-OH. IT'S AUTUMN, otherwise known as the season of diet deaths. We start out in January, inspired and ready to shun chocolate, visions of squeezing into itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny polka-dot bikinis dancing in our heads. Or let's be honest here -- visions of tummy-tucking and bulge-hiding one-piece suits in most of our heads.
Michael Caines at Abode, Canterbury The Observer
Before visiting Michael Caines's new restaurant in Canterbury, I assumed the chef, who holds two Michelin stars at Gidleigh Park Hotel in Devon, had chosen the city because of its similarities to Exeter, where he made his first move into the brasserie market.
Eating Out: Iron Forge Inn in Warwick, N.Y. NorthJersey.com
The first days of autumn are when they begin to arrive -- the caravans of SUVs and minivans with New Jersey license plates, ascending through Sterling Forest, crossing the Appalachian Trail and winding down Mount Peter. They come for apples and foliage.
New infused spirits boast exotic flavors The Pueblo Chieftain
Apple, pineapple, melon, orange, coconut, mango, peach, strawberry, blueberry, cranberry - a veritable fruit basket of flavorings imbues the vodkas lining retail shelves and back bars. Too bad so many of them taste more of a chemist’s lab than of real ingredients. But there’s a way to get around that: Look for the new infused spirits that draw flavor from fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and/or
Shining night at the White Horse The Providence Journal
Foods, more than most things, evoke memories. Unless you were forced to eat liver as a child, most are of the happy variety. A particular recipe recalls family celebrations. Or a sweet brings warm memories of a beloved grandmother.
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