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Amazon.com: LG KG800 (Chocolate): Cell Phones & Service
Its also really small just like aa bar of Chocolate. Overall this is a good phone and I believe its way better than the motorola V3.
OCWorkbench.com - LG KG320 Chocolate GSM 900/1800/1900 1.3 mpixel
LG released another Chocolate phonea, this time it is the LG KG320, an mass appeal small form factor bar type phone. Squarish in design, it looks like the
A Short Course in Locating Good Bar Chocolate
If you're trying to find good chocolate locally, look in the phone book; You must click on individual chocolate listings to see bar sizes here,
Review: LG Chocolate (Phone Scoop)
Since we have never seen a glossy black chocolate bar in our lives, we will refrain from The back of the phone is actually smaller than the front,
Shiny Shiny: LG's Chocolate phone goes on sale
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference LG's Chocolate phone goes on in Black and Gold color which really makes it looks like a chocolate bar.

A Short Course in Locating Good Bar Chocolate
If you're trying to find good chocolate locally, look in the phone book; You must click on individual chocolate listings to see bar sizes here,
Review: LG Chocolate (Phone Scoop)
Since we have never seen a glossy black chocolate bar in our lives, we will refrain from The back of the phone is actually smaller than the front,
Shiny Shiny: LG's Chocolate phone goes on sale
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference LG's Chocolate phone goes on in Black and Gold color which really makes it looks like a chocolate bar.
LG Chocolate Phone - A Runaway Hit : MobileWhack.com
According to LG it looks good enough to eat just like a bar of chocolate and hence the nick name. Apart from the chic looks , the phone also boasts Li-ion
Pink n White LG Chocolate Phone : MobileWhack.com
Get detailed information about the Pink n White LG Chocolate Phone. Some people said it's because it looks like chocolate bar and some people say it's
Amazon.com: LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone (Verizon Wireless): Cell
Status Bar. LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone (Verizon Wireless) Other products by LG · (41 customer reviews) See more about this phone
Best Price: LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone (VZW) $75 at Amazon.com
LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone (VZW), Bargains, Coupons, Deals, Freebies on Consumer Electronics and Computer Products. Amazon coupons, Dell Coupons,
Tech Digest: LG Chocolate Phone Review
Lg_chocolate LG’s much talked about Chocolate phone made its UK debut on in Black and Gold color which really makes it looks like a chocolate bar.

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