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Chat rooms are identity thieves' street corners (The Canton Repository) - NEW YORK (AP) - On a weekday afternoon in a chat room, hackers are busy exchanging credit-card numbers, cash, hacked servers, information and stolen identities. A hacker called Pinokio logs on and pos . Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Updated Q&A - Developer Chat [PC] (GameSpot) - Read the transcript of the developer chat with some of the key members of the Dark Messiah of Might and Magic team.. Chat rooms are ID thieves' street corners (The Arizona Republic) - NEW YORK - On a weekday afternoon in a chat room, hackers are busy exchanging credit-card numbers, cash, hacked servers, information and stolen identities. Welcome to the world of identity theft.. Bledsoe remains capable (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) - Here are excerpts from Tuesday's online chat with Cowboys beat writer Mac Engel:. Price soars for online site Mixi ( - TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) -- Japan's most popular online community, Mixi Inc., traded for the first time on Friday at 90 percent above its IPO price after buy orders had swamped sell orders on its debut a day earlier.. Cops arrest 17 in online sex sting (Hammond Daily Star) - Seventeen people are facing charges of trying to meet kids online for sex after local law enforcement agencies conducted an eight-day undercover sting operation.. Sponsored results for Chat Rooms: (CNI) - Chat with Millions of Men - Age over 20 Chat rooms - 100% free online dating with Connect with millions now. Trolling for online predators (The Times-News) - JEROME — In his spare time, he pretends to be a 14-year-old girl. A man just under 6 feet 6 inches tall and 250 pounds, armed and donning his department’s uniform, hunches over his computer pretending to be a 14-year-old girl in an online chat room.. Kissing is Acceptable While Dating According To ChristiaNet Poll (PR Web) - Free online dating, Christian singles, penpals, chat rooms and social networking are some of the Christian dating related articles just released by ChristiaNet, Inc. (PRWEB Sep 16, 2006). Micron: UBS Analyst Expresses Concern Following Chat With Company (SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance) - Eric Savitz submits: Alex Gauna, an analyst at UBS, says he came away from a chat yesterday with the Micron investor relations group incrementally less enthusiastic than we had been previously..

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