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    Solomon GPRS GPS Tracking equipments, for tracking, fleet management, wireless remote control, off-board navigation, Systèmes Electroniques mobiles sans fils GPRS GPS. GPRS, GPS, tracking, fleet, flotte, j2me, java, navigation, svg, osgi, télématique, telematic
    Mobile data solutions using PDA's witrh GPRS GSM GPS Mobile business solutions with PDAs using GPRS TREO QTEK GPS and more....
    UMTS,GPRS,GSM, ViaSat, VoIP,Nautical Software,Communication,VSAT ADSL via satellite,wireless, modem, telemetry,GSM, GPRS,UMTS, GPS,software for the nautical industry en satelliet communicatie
    4N TeleSoft : Smart Revenue Solutions for Telecom by IVR, SMS, GPRS, W... 4N TeleSoft is Smart Revenue Solution in Telecom Sector by IVR, SMS, GSM, WAP, MMS, GPRS, Jukebox, MMSC, Multimedia SMS, Multimedia Messaging Service
    infoware mapdial - Einfache Entwicklung von GPRS-Anwendungen für Pocke... infoware mapdial - Einfache Entwicklung von GPRS-Anwendungen für PocketPC, Windows oder Telematik Black Boxen
    Neil Devlin Specialists in wireless designs, ranging from GPRS, 2.4GHz telemetry, to analogue signal amplification. Wireless short and long range monitor/control systems.
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