Established October 1993










Aviano Weather


Visitor Number


4th Winter Run, 27 January


Once again, if you didn't go, you missed out on a great time last Sunday. What, you may ask, could be so great about a day with fog so thick that you could drown by riding with your mouth open? A Mystery Ride!

Sunday at 0930 (fog delay), four machines of pure American Iron rolled out into the mist bound for Sequals (on the mountain past Maniago). As we descended upon that little town, and rolled into the square out of the mist, what to our wondering eyes should appear but about 20 MORE Harleys from our good friends the North Eagles.

After some good socializing and lies and a "quick" look at the map (it was translated, but that didn't make it EASY!), we saddled up and departed in pairs 3 minutes apart on a lovely Sunday ride (though by that time there were about 30 Harleys!). We saw dirt roads, twisty roads, traffic circles, bridges, underpasses and some of the most beautiful scenery in Northern Italy, all followed by a great lunch at the Edelweiss Restaurant with a great group of bikers.

My hat is off to Mike for convincing me to press on through the fog, and to Paul, Cindy, and Jon for being stubborn enough to realize what a great riding day it was.