[XR&CO'2005], Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:10:46 GMT --> these time are the most glorious heaven:
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Wendy Beckett: Sister act Independent
I like Sister Wendy Beckett enormously from the off as, most importantly, she just seems so happy to see me. True, she doesn't get out much, but even so, I do find it something of a novelty to be greeted so enthusiastically - even my own mother often pretends to be out. She clasps my hands in hers. She embraces me fully, enveloping me in her black habit (surprisingly scratchy). Her face is good
Kim Jong Il's Work Off Press in Venezuela Korean Central News Agency
Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) ? General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous work "Socialism Is a Science" was brought out in booklet by the Cantaclara Publishing House in Venezuela on October 24.
What is the color of fear? Is it pitch-black? Arterial red? Clenched-knuckle white? In Orlando, the color of fear is green. Cold blind terror now equals cold hard cash.
Get rolling The State Journal-Register
Feel like these are some "Harsh Times," or that it's not "A Good Year," at the movies? That your money's being "Flushed Away" on the lame titles studios present "For Your Consideration"?
Caribou to Release New EP, DVD Pitchfork
On November 1, Caribou (aka Dan Snaith, fka Manitoba) will dilate our minds with Marino , a DVD collection of the videos featured during his live shows.
FIRST-PERSON: Ted Haggard, a hypocrite? BPNews.net
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--I love hypocrites. So many of them are good people who need God’s love, such as hypocrites like Ted Haggard and, uh, hypocrites like me and perhaps you.
Not Quite There Crazewire
The best albums of 2006 so far. I usually do not do year end lists for music, I find them too challenging and all too often music continues to reveal itself to me months and sometimes years after its initial release. However 2006, to date, has been astonishing in terms of musical output.
Learn from life, LDS leader says Deseret Morning News
A few students camped out overnight. Others arrived at the Marriott Center on the Brigham Young University campus at sunrise, a full four hours before LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley was to speak Tuesday at a devotional.
Listening Post The Buffalo News
Dwight Yoakam, "Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc., Etc. - Deluxe Edition" (Reprise/Rhino).
Island Notes Block Island Times
There are fewer and fewer traditions that stretch back a century on Block Island; more and more

Leo XIII - Octobri mense
In these times - so troublous (as we have said before) for the Church, filling Us with great hope for the ultimate and most glorious triumph of the
Medieval Sourcebook: The Donation of Constantine
Given at Rome on the third day before the Kalends of April, our master the august Flavius Constantine, for the fourth time, and Galligano, most illustrious
Matthews Books Reviews
It was a most glorious meal for the spirit. Bless you, Suzy and Matthew. especially in these most trying times of humanity's evolution on planet Gaia,
BUT chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious Resurrection of thy Son most true promise, the Holy Ghost came down as at this time from heaven
The Glory of Heaven
These expressions have given us a view of heaven which is like looking through a When they see God so glorious, and at the same time see how greatly God

Medieval Sourcebook: The Donation of Constantine
Given at Rome on the third day before the Kalends of April, our master the august Flavius Constantine, for the fourth time, and Galligano, most illustrious
Matthews Books Reviews
It was a most glorious meal for the spirit. Bless you, Suzy and Matthew. especially in these most trying times of humanity's evolution on planet Gaia,
BUT chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious Resurrection of thy Son most true promise, the Holy Ghost came down as at this time from heaven
The Glory of Heaven
These expressions have given us a view of heaven which is like looking through a When they see God so glorious, and at the same time see how greatly God
Wrack of the Storm: Ch. XIII
AT MOMENTS above all when history is in the making, in these times when great and as blessings and reckoning this to be the most glorious of hazards,
A Most Glorious Mystery – On the Nativity of Christ
A strange and most glorious mystery do I behold: the cave is Heaven; With these sacred words, in which the glad tidings of the great mystery of the Son
De Septem Secundeis, by J. Trithemius
He was the most glorious of all Kings that lived in his time, Many signs in heaven appeared about these times, as is easily collected from Histories.
Jake Richter, digitally painted images and photography
Among the most easy to find, but most overlooked are crustaceans. Among these, hermit crabs in all shapes of shells and “homes” populate the reefs,
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[XR&CO'2005], Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:10:46 GMT -->