centro per insegnanti di lingue straniere

What’s the weather like?

by Claudia Valentini
Paganica (AQ)

Title: What’s the weather like?

Class: III; first level absolute beginners.

Time:  2nd half of the school year

Lessons: n. 6 (1 hour each)


Function: describing the weather

Notion: the weather

Skills: Integrating Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing



What’s the weather like?



sunny, snowy, rainy, windy, foggy, cloudy, changeable.

Cross curricular links: science, geography, art, music, physical education, math.

 Procedure description




Warm up

T looks out of the window: it’s raining.

T tells the rhyme 1- “There are holes”, asks if Ss want to learn it and helps them to learn it.



Individual work: 2- Listen and guess, 3- Listen and repeat, 4- Read and draw the symbols

Worksheet 1


Game: 5- Mime

Individual work: 6- Listen, match and write

Worksheet 2


Pair work: 7- Memory Game

Whole class: 8- Action Song “It’s raining it’s pouring”

7 pairs of Memory cards

Follow up

Group work: 9- Weather wallchart

Green paper 100X70,

A4 white sheets

Thick coloured felt pens

Testing & Evaluation

10- Multiple choice

11- Gap filling

top | back

1- Rhyme

It’s raining cats and dogs

There are holes in the sky

Where the rain gets in

But they are so small

That’s why the rain is thin

Worksheet 1

2- Listen and guess

(listen to the sound of different weathers)

3- Listen and repeat

It’s sunny

It’s snowy

It’s rainy

It’s windy

It’s changeable

It’s cloudy

4- Read and draw the symbols

It’s rainy


It’s sunny


It’s foggy


It’s changeable


It’s snowy


It’s windy


It’s cloudy


top | back

5- Mime

Use the rhyme “There are holes” as a counting out formula and call a child to mime a weather. The first to guess the right weather comes to replace the friend. Allow all the pupils to have a miming turn.

Worksheet 2

6- Listen, match and write



It’s _________


It’s _________


It’s _________


It’s _________


It’s _________


It’s _________


It’s _________


Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table.

The first player picks up a card and reads aloud the weather. Then he picks up a second card and says the weather written on it.

If the two cards are not the same he replaces them in the same places on the table. If the cards are the same, the player asks “What’s the weather like?”, answers the weather, keeps both cards and has a second turn.

The player with most cards is the winner.

It’s rainy

It’s rainy

It’s cloudy

It’s cloudy

It’s sunny

It’s sunny

It’s windy

It’s windy

It’s changeable

It’s changeable

It’s  foggy

It’s  foggy

It’s  snowy

It’s  snowy

top | back

9- Action Song “It’s raining it’s pouring”

It’s raining, it’s pouring

Wiggle your fingers downwards like rain falling

The old man is snoring

Pretend to snore

He went to bed and bumped his head

Lay your head on your hand then rub your head

And couldn’t get up in the morning

Pretend to try to pull your head from the pillow

Rain rain go away

Make a shooing movement with your hands

Come again another day

Make a beckoning gesture

Rain rain go away

Make a shooing movement

Little … Wants to play

Mime a cow boy and a lullaby

10- Weather wallchart

Let children work in small groups to produce drawings and written coloured texts to stick on a green 70X100 poster. Allow some space to tick the weather recognition

To be done each day at  the beginning of the lesson.

This activity could be linked with maths to create statistic grids.

11- Multiple choice

What’s the weather like?

q       It’s sunny

q       It’s windy

q       It’s changeable

q       It’s rainy

q       It’s windy

q       It’s foggy

q       It’s snowy

q       It’s changeable

q       It’s windy

q       It’s rainy

q       It’s sunny

q       It’s snowy

q       It’s snowy

q       It’s foggy

q       It’s rainy

q       It’s cloudy

q       It’s foggy

q       It’s snowy

q       It’s changeable

q       It’s windy

q       It’s rainy

12- Fill in the gaps

It’s su_n_

It’s s_ow_

It’s r_ _ny

It’s win_ _

It’s ch_ng_able

It’s cl_ud_


Hints, tips, resources taken from:

Che tempo fa? Sdi Junior

I.Simmons, D.Vecchione I love English coursebook classe 5

V.Reilly, S.M.Ward Very Young Learners Oxford
