Thanksgiving Collage
How to make a classroom collage.



(midi file
Albuquerque the Turkey
(text sung to "Clementine")


Talking about Thanksgiving in the classroom does not only give the students the historical information from "The New World", but we have a chance to think over what we do every day and why we need to thank somebody.

Every child needs:

A sheet of A3 paper
Plastic/paper tableware: a plate, a glass, a knife, a fork, a spoon
A napkin
Magazines, photocopies or the kids’ own drawings


For the classroom you need:

A paper tablecloth or a big piece of paper



About 10-15 minutes to talk about traditional food on Thanksgiving, and 20-30 minutes to create the plates etc.



Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States on the Fourth Thursday of November.

Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 2nd Monday of October.
Unlike the American tradition of remembering Pilgrims and settling in the New World, the Canadian Thanksgiving thanks for a successful harvest. The harvest season falls earlier in Canada, that is why it is celebrated earlier than in the US.


Pre-school and primary school.



This idea suits all languages.



Plate, knife, fork, spoon, glass, napkin, tablecloth
Potatoes, squash, corn, pumpkin
Roasted turkey (with a sauce called gravy)
Cranberry jelly
Fruit pie made of apples or pumpkin
Water, wine, coffee, apple cider
To prepare the table: left, right, in the middle, up, etc.



Page through magazines with the children, find and cut out pictures of Thanksgiving foods.
Alternatively use photocopies or let the kids make their own drawings!
Glue “the food” on the plates. Simple as that!
Now every child can glue his/her plate, knife etc. on a big piece of paper or on a paper tablecloth and you can stick it on the wall.
Teach the children to put the fork on the left side of the plate and the knife and spoon on the right!


For a little variation:

You can use markers, crayons, or paint to decorate the plates to look like 'fine china' before you glue on your pictures of  food.



Albuquerque the Turkey
Over the River 
We Gather Together 


Just a few links:


Links for food at:
 Facts, fun, links, and more at:
Mazes, Word Puzzles, Turkey Tales,and more:
Thanksgiving Paper Chains at:
Story and facts at:

This poster was made in grade 5.

You can also use the idea to make a poster with
"My Favourite Food".


Questa pagina è a cura di
Mette Buchreitz
insegnante specialista di lingua inglese
Istituto Comprensivo "Giovanni Falcone"
Cascina (Pisa)
Ultimo aggiornamento 28 ottobre 2002