centro per insegnanti di lingue straniere


castle on a cloud

A Lullaby - A Castle On A Cloud

by Giovanna Sansica
5° C.D. di Latina


Students: class IV, second level of English

Lessons: 3


Lesson one
Language input

1)To create a relaxing atmosphere in order to listen to a lullaby.

2)To encourage children to express their feelings in order to know each other better in the class group.

parts of body; new vocabulary warm up: listen and do it

Preparation: setting chairs in circle

Materials: a cassette recorder

1)Tell the children they are going to listen to a new song, a special new song! But they have to be very quiet and relaxed, so they have to listen to the teacher and do as she does to get a TOTAL RELAXION: - Sit down as comfortable as you can in your chair.
- Put your feet square on the floor.
- Stretch your arms straight out in front of you.
- Clench your fists, then relax your fists and drop your arms down.
- Bring your shoulders up to your ears and drop them down (twice).
- Let your head going forward very slowly and gently, put it up again slowly and gently.
-Then, feel your neck relaxing
- " " " shoulders relaxing
- " " " chest relaxing
- " " " stomach relaxing
- Then feel that relaxation going all through your legs to your toes and then . . .
- feel your face relaxing and . . .
- feel your eyebrows and . . .
- feel your eyes and . . .
- feel your lips and . . .
- feel your tongue and now
- hold your head still and listen!

Teacher and children do the same movements contemporarily. The teacher touches the parts of the body

2) After listening to the song (surely children ask you to listen to it again!), make children elicit their emotions with adjectives, also in L1 if they don't know the English term and then you repeat it in English. Then discuss their answers with them in L1 .

3) Let the children listen again to the song and then give them the worksheet n. 1. Explain the words that students don't know miming them or forming sentences in L1 including the new words.

Lesson two
Language input

1) improving the listening skill

2) learning a song

reinforce new vocabulary

1) oral comprehension

2) fill in a questionnaire

- Discuss with students the worksheet they completed in the previous lesson.
- The children listen to the song while teacher mimes each line.
- The teacher sings and mimes each line on the beat and children repeat and mime as well.
- The children and the teacher whisper the song rhythmically miming each line.
- Students work on the worksheet n.2 while they listen to the song.
- Children complete the song writing the words.
- Children illustrate the song freely.

Lesson three
Language input

1)To learn and enjoy a song

review vocabulary

1) do and understand

2) cloze test

- Let children listen again to the song and encourage them to sing.
- Make groups and give them some lines of the song, then each group mime their lines and the others have to guess and say the corresponding lines.
- Finally children enjoy listening and singing the lullaby as many times as they like and . . . surely they will know the words and will sing wonderfully ! !

