When Columbus and his sailors left from Spain, they were looking for a faster route to the Far
East (Asia), in order to trade for valuable spices.
Instead, they found America, the New World, travelling from Spain to the island of Hispaniola ( now Haiti in the Dominican Republic).
Their round-trip voyage lasted from August 3rd, 1492 to March 15th, 1493.
The ship Santa Maria sank in Hispaniola, but the Niņa and the Pinta both came back to Spain.
It was a long and tiresome journey for about 100 sailors in the three boats.
Weeks passed with no sight of land.
Food, water and supplies were almost gone.
Many of the sailors were restless and wanted to turn back. They did not believe that they would reach the earth any more, but Columbus cheered them by talking about the riches they would find in the Indies.
Finally, signs of land appeared, leaves floated on the water.
They saw a LAND in the distance!
Sailing closer, sandy beaches and green forests appeared in front of them!
Columbus and his sailors thought they had arrived to India, but they had actually discovered America!
When Columbus died, he still thought he had reached India!