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Re: 32Bit or 64Bit Hi stk, Excuse Me, but this week I'm very busy! I have found these links for you in a few minutes, but when I come back, I will write to you again. Start64 Ok, it's not an assembly site ( ) , but a great resource for 64 bit world in general ! Re: An Interesting Article Thanks, Greg. I am still searching for the best articles about 64 bit programming. See You Later. Regards Do you know CoreWar ? Hi Everybody ! Excuse me for my English ! I had discovered this great game years ago, but,I didn't know there is a Windows's version ! Here are the links Various guides and information : CoreWi Re: An Interesting Article Another very interesting article here: Prog News, Press Releases featured on homepage : F2/ Features appearances by Tony Levin, Nick d'Virgilio, Geoff Downes, Gavin Harrison & Pete Trewavas! 4. Alan Morse - 4 O'clock And Hysteria - GBP 9.99 Excellent instrumental album featuring contributions from all members of New Config advices Im new to the forum,so first of all i would like to say HEy to everyone !:D i need some advices on some hardware i just brought back from Hong Kong! OK here it is,im currently owning the MAX IN POWER Briza B952CA Case ,and since i Langen Radar There are 19 replies, with the last one on 24 Jan 2007 at 17:44:50 by virgilio Quote: Wow! I didn't know what I was starting. So, on my favourite short-haul from EDDL to EHAM (and vice versa)it's no longer EDDL_CTR but EDGG_CTR. Re: Web mobile Pertanto se arriva al sito direttamente e' molto probabile che gia' conosca, come me da anni, che il logo dei forum di e' costituito da un elefantino con una matita, non ricorso se nella proboscide o come e ne farei anche a Pangasinan gears up for Pista’y Dayat Provincial Administrator Virgilio Q. Solis, Jr., over all festival coordinator, said the executive committee has lined up colourful and meaningful activities for almost month long festivities which starts from April 9 with the opening virgilio+forum: ? ? virgilio+forum