, Fri, 13 Jul 2007 04:37:28 GMT --> SOUNDBLASTER CW RTTY:
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BTL151.zip #, - 66 Kb file, ( Alti risultati RTTY con la Sound Blaster ) # Multimode communication package - supporta CW, RTTY e ASCII modi (MMTTY RTTY
Il Sito Ufficiale della Sezione A.R.I. QUARTU Sant'Elena -
RTTY è l’acronimo di Radio Tele Type che letteralmente significa, trasmissione via del tutto il modo calassico RTTY, cosi’ come non morirà mai il CW,
Ham Radio Software,By EC1AME Spain
(by Wayne Wright, W5XD), CW, RTTY, SSB, Win 95/NT, Commercial So use an original Creative Labs Soundblaster card (Pro, 16, 32 AWE, 64 AWE) whenever
http://www.alpcom.it/hamradio/freewaves/ ottimo punto di partenza
software cw, rtty, fax, sstv eccetera per soundblaster http://oxford.megalink. net/~n1rct/soft.html rtty software http://www.muenster.de/~welp/sb.htm
I8kel's RadioBook
Ricevere senza interfaccia (soundblaster) If u want to download SOFTWARE,(sstv,polar sat,cw,rtty,packet) 4 your RADIO-SHACK, GO TO this LINK:
Interfaccia per CW
Interfaccia per sound blaster. Questa interfaccia consente di utilizzare I software che utilizzano questa interfaccia sono l' HamComm per RTTY e CW e il
Amateur Radio Soundblaster Software Collection
CW, RTTY, SITOR-A/-B/FEC/Navtex, FAX, ACARS, WWVB, DTMF, CCIR, EIA, XPH, AF The recent 2.1.x kernels include a driver that works with SoundBlaster and
Homepage of SM3HXD Johan Öun
DSP-CW V.4.1 digital CW/RTTY for Sound Blaster, December 1998 DSP-CW generates clean signals, can be connected direct to mic!
CW & SOFTWARE (275). KB2LJJ Software: CW · MixW32 includes CW, SSTV, PSK31, Packet, Amtor, RTTY, Schell; Hoka total modes include for soundBlaster
IT9-4639 SWL Station: novembre 2006
I filtri si possono regolare senza soluzione di continuità, e vanno da 200 Hz a 3500 Hz per SSB e RTTY mode, e da 100 Hz a 1750 Hz per CW mode,
Visit the Creative
A Sound Blaster solution exists for all the Cybertronians that he felt had certain desirable WEFAX, FAX, SSTV, RTTY, SITOR, NAVTEX and CW (Morse code) decoding software for all demanding audio applications.
パソコン・周辺機器 > 周辺機器パーツ > プリンタ > カラーレーザー
[anf(オートノッチフィルター)機能]ssb、fm、amモードの受信中、音声信号にビート信号やcwまたはrtty信号による混信を受けると、自動的に判別して混信信号を減衰します。[nr(ノイズリダクション)機能]受信したア KU20-3D15BK 3D-USBケーブル soundblaster+cw+rtty: soundblaster+cw+rtty

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, Fri, 13 Jul 2007 04:37:28 GMT -->