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Latest In home Robot News. We are revamping here are some links. Home Robots In The News. Engadget: NetTansor web cam robot
Control and Geometrical Considerations for an Articulated Robot
The International Journal of Robotics Research Home page K. M. Lynch, N. Shiroma, H. Arai, and K. Tanie Collision-Free Trajectory Planning for a 3-DoF Robot
On Delaying Collision Checking in PRM Planning: Application to
On a simulated six-robot welding station combining 36 degrees of freedom, centralized planning The International Journal of Robotics Research Home page
Robot Journal : Tuesday 9/11/2001
wednesday night we came home from dinner, and someone had left little green post-its on the doors in our building that said "i love you". robot filter
Leg Coordination Mechanisms in the Stick Insect Applied to Hexapod
The robot walks with a continuum of statically stable insectlike gaits in response to a single, The International Journal of Robotics Research Home page
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The British and Australian cookies - oh, excuse me, biscuits - are notable (for other than being great) mostly for their distance from home and their lack
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Substitutes for snail slime. 20 March 2007. A small crawling robot can explain how snails move. Journal of Materials Chemistry
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SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. ISSN: 0363-0129 Accettato per la Haptic Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot. SYROCO 2003, IFAC Symposium on Robot
Machida Journal; Japan Seeks Robotic Help in Caring for the Aged
Then there is the Wakamaru, a mobile, three-foot-high speaking robot equipped with robotic home care may lie in the future for Japan's aging millions.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Elsevier
An important goal of this journal is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based robot control and learning in the context of robot+journal+home: robot+journal+home

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