Gizmodo IT : Primi tuner Mac TV Tuners firmati Pinnacle TV Pinnacle TV ha deciso che c'è trippa per gatti nei Mac ed ha lanciato i suoi tuner per sistemi Apple. I due primi tuner USB sono Pinnacle TV Mac DVB-T Stick Apogeonline - Pinnacle PCTV To Go per le reti domestiche La nuova tecnologia PlaceShifting permette lo streaming dei programmi TV di casa sul PC via rete domestica o Internet. PINNACLE PCTV HYBRID PRO CARD 310C - Monclick PCTV Hybrid PRO Card 310C Da inserire semplicemente nello slot CardBus (PCMCIA), PinnaclePCTV Hybrid Pro Card è la soluzione mobile, ideale per godersi laTV Pinnacle - PCTV DUAL SAT PRO PCI 4000I (202.262.362) - La scheda Acquisto Pinnacle - PCTV DUAL SAT PRO PCI 4000I (202.262.362) - Il prodotto è un LA TECNOLOGIA AUTOPOWERON/OFF INTEGRATE, ACCENDE E SPEGNE AUTOMATICAMENTE Misco - Schede TV video-editing : PINNACLE SYSTEMS, ARCHOS Ampia gamma di Schede TV video-editing PINNACLE SYSTEMS, Schede TV video-editing ARCHOS al giusto prezzo. Pinnacle PCTV DVB-T Flash Stick: chiavetta di memoria e TV sempre Pinnacle PCTV DVB-T Flash Stick: chiavetta di memoria e TV sempre con te. Pinnacle PCTV DVB-T Flash Stick La Pinnacle ha rilasciato il suo nuovo PCTV DVB-T - Pinnacle lancia due sintonizzatori TV per Mac “Con le Pinnacle TV for Mac Stick, chiunque può guardare con facilità TV di alta qualità su di un Mac, a casa così come in viaggio.” - La nuova PCTV To Go di Pinnacle TV PlaceShifting Se collegato ad un set–top box, DVR o ad un PVR, Pinnacle PCTV To Go inoltra lo streaming via rete dei contenuti televisivi trasmessi dalla Pinnacle (Avid) entra nel mercato dei Tuner TV per Mac Dopo la compatibiità "indiretta" arriva quella diretta, sempre attraverso EyeTV, per i sintonizzatori TV di Pinnacle ora venduti anche in confezione per Mac COMPUTER SHOP - Pinnacle Mediacenter 110i - Tuner TV + Radio + Pinnacle PCTV 110i trasforma il tuo computer in un centro di intrattenimento completo di TV e videoregistratore personale. Programma la registrazione o
Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless External TV Tuner Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless External TV Tuner Special Price: $256.47 similar items First Mac TV Tuners From Pinnacle TV The two USB tuners are the Pinnacle TV for Mac DVB-T Stick and the Pinnacle TV for Mac Hybrid Stick. The first one is a digital TV tuner and allows us European users to watch, time shift and record our fave TV and radio shows. Pinnacle PCTV To Go: Slingbox challenger Pinnacle has launched its own 'place-shifting' TV gizmo, lukewarm on the heels of the Slingbox and LocationFree. The PCTV To Go, for anyone who's unfamiliar with the aforementioned devices, lets you watch your home television on any Pinnacle Brings TV to PCs Running Vista Pinnacle Systems has expanded its Pinnacle PCTV product family to include the Pinnacle PCTV Tuner Kits for Windows Vista New Pinnacle PCTV Tuner Kits The Pinnacle PCTV Tuner Kits for Windows Vista has been released. It includes three products: two portable USB2 digital and analog TV tuner kits (HD ATSC/NTSC or DVB-T/PAL/SECAM) and one analog PAL/SECAM PCI Kit. Pinnacle PCTV – PVR on a stick TV receiver, video recorder and memory stick combine in one USB package. You just provide the laptop TV-card problem This poor nero mce has a tv-option to and it has no problem using my pinnacle tv-card. Its still not listed in the device manager, and vista mce still says that i have no tv-tuner card. But it works on NERO so there most be a way to get Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Stick Pinnacle did one thing right with the PCTV HD Pro Stick: It sized the device for notebook PC users. The bus-powered tuner is only slightly larger than a USB flash drive. Even better, the IR remote is just as small. Pinnacle PCTV To Go wireless streamer The new Pinnacle PCTV To Go wireless network TV box lets you watch your favorite TV show on a desktop PC or a notebook computer almost anywhere in the house Pinnacle releases High Quality, Ultra-Portable TV Tuners for the Mac "The new ultra-portable Pinnacle TV for Mac Sticks turn any Mac into a full-featured TV receiver/recorder with remote control. "Macs are famous for their eye-catching design and the cool features within the OS. pinnacle+tv: pinnacle pc tv ? sintonizzatore tv pinnacle ? pinnacle pc tv ? sintonizzatore tv pinnacle ? pinnacle+tv