Microsoft Vista Microsoft Vista rc2 Come annunciato, Microsoft venerdì ha rilasciato l’ultima candidate release prima del lancio ufficiale di Microsoft Vista. - Internet - Microsoft Vista, 20 mln di licenze (ANSA) - NEW YORK, 26 MAR - Superano ben 20 milioni di unita' le licenze vendute di Windows Vista, il nuovo sistema operativo della Microsoft, Microsoft, finalmente arriva Vista il sistema operativo esce a il quotidiano online con tutte le notizie in tempo reale. News e ultime notizie. Tutti i settori: politica, cronaca, economia, sport, esteri, The Inquirer IT : Craccato Microsoft Vista A QUANTO pare nonostante le misure anti-pirateria adottate da Microsoft, alcune copie craccate di Vista sono già disponibili sui siti torrent. Windows Vista - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Microsoft started work on their plans for Windows Vista ("Longhorn") in 2001, Microsoft Windows Vista — Microsoft Windows Vista homepage Microsoft Windows Vista, vendute più di 20 milioni di copie Battute le vendite della versione Windows XP nel primo mese di commercializzazione. Microsoft Vista, in vendita già oggi New Economy Monitor/1411 29 gennaio 2007 Microsoft Vista, in vendita già da oggi Windows Vista promette una rivoluzione: migliorare la vita semplificandola. Microsoft, Vista oltre le attese: 20 milioni di licenze in un mese Microsoft, Vista oltre le attese: 20 milioni di licenze in un mese. Microsoft Windows Vista - Wikipedia Dagegen gebe es viele Gründe, die gegen ein Upgrade auf Microsoft Vista sprechen. Microsoft will in einer ersten Reaktion den Zuständigen des Ministeriums La trilogia di Microsoft: Vista, Office e Longhorn | Microsoft Il WinHEC 2006 ha confermato le promesse della vigilia configurandosi come un momento estremamente importante per la storia ed il futuro di Microsoft.
Ten Steps Microsoft Should Take To Jumpstart Vista SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance The VAR Guy submits:Memo to Steve Ballmer: Its time for Microsoft to rethink its Windows Vista marketing plan. Sure, Vista has sold 20 million licenses. But everyone from Wall Street to Main Street U.S.A. knows Vista isnt living up to its hype. Microsoft's Vista is due out today The Standard-Times NEW YORK — Acrobatics, blaring music and plenty of hype accompanied Microsoft Corp.'s long-delayed debut of its new Windows Vista operating system. News: Microsoft Nixes 'Big Bang' Service Pack For Windows Vista Overclockers Club InformationWeek - A senior Microsoft official said the company doesn't plan to issue a major service pack for Windows Vista because the operating system is "high quality right out of the gate." Microsoft says it sold 20 million copies of Vista in first month The Standard-Times REDMOND, Wash. — Microsoft Corp. said yesterday it sold 20 million consumer copies of the new Windows Vista operating system worldwide in February, but analysts said the data shed little light on the program's popularity during its first month on Microsoft Nixes 'Big Bang' Service Pack For Windows Vista TechWeb via Yahoo! News One reason is that new tools such as Windows Update allow Microsoft to dribble out smaller fixes to its new OS whenever necessary. Microsoft Vista overrated, not overpriced Naples Daily News “Installing Vista on any machine that you own, or purchasing one with it pre-installed, is costly, detrimental to your freedoms, and most importantly, completely unnecessary.” So says Danny Colligan of Georgetown University’s student newspaper, The Georgetown Independent. Microsoft's Got The Fix For Apple iPod Glitch on Windows Vista InformationWeek Apple continues to caution iPod and iTunes users about other Windows Vista-related problems. Vista Failing "Blackboard" College Courses Slashdot writertype writes "Although Blackboard is used to communicate between students and professors at virtually all of PC Magazine/Princeton Review's top 20 wired colleges, when run under a Vista environment users can see glitches. Moreover, IT departments told PC Mag that if Blackboard is used with Vista plus IE7, students can't communicate via the software. When asked why, Microsoft waffled. Missing a driver will take Microsoft Vista users on an unpleasant ride Daily Breeze Well, it has been a few weeks with Microsoft Vista and I have some impressions to share with those of you thinking of taking the plunge. First of all, this is an upgrade best purchased with a new computer. Microsoft's Vista Numbers Game Microsoft Watch In this week's Microsoft Watch podcast, we look at how well Vista is doing in the enterprise and further explore Microsoft's pronouncement that it has sold 20 million licenses. microsoft+vista: microsoft windows vista ? windows vista microsoft ? microsoft windows vista ? windows vista microsoft ? microsoft+vista