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Customize the Apple logo on your laptop iColours offers colored inserts that will set apart your Apple laptop from the average Joe’s. Choose from several shades of blue, green, red, yellow, orange, pink, and black, OR designs like Mac’s Jaguar, Leopard, Tiger, and original My week in KUbuntu: Tweaks and Frustration Moving back into Linux land, I’ve got the urge to customize my desktops once again. Thus my desire to try out KDE once more. It’sa pretty environment, full of wizbang menus systems and some lovely applications (Konquerer, Plate-Spinning Productivity Tip #2: Excel In Game Planning (Here's a quick tip I learnt from Andy Jenkins - buy another laptop battery, because you can never be certain if your airline seat has the power ports. This way you can be certain to have enough 'juice' to work on your laptop while in Demo 07 Day 2 Morning Session Allows users to create a customized mobile portal for their individual cell phones. Can integrate whatever feeds or other data the user wants. Look can be customized for the individual cell phone's capabilities. Link Roundup: Photography Gear Edition Whether it’s lens rental, lens reviews, or how to customize your laptop case like a pro shooters, we’ve got it:. Lens Lenders - Remember me complaining that there were no Canadian services in my article about renting camera lenses? Inmod Design Studio Customized Bedding Nowadays you customize just about anything: create personalized sneakers using Nike ID, or pimp out your laptop in almost any colour, or even custom print your own M&M's with personalized messages! But how about this: Design Your Own Laptop Dilemna So, I want to buy a laptop for law school now so I have plenty of time to customize it and get comfortable with it by the fall, but the schools I am choosing between do not yet support Vista -- probably because Examsoft hasn't stated Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Herd 3 & the Pre-Built Ubuntu Laptop You can even go as far as to customize them so that they are exactly what you want…you can even get a built-in camera. Honestly though, for the operating system being free I am quite surprised that their cheapest laptop is $700…and by Danger Spyware Desktop Virus software the laptop runs a custom version of red hat s fedora core distribution of linux. the desktop is rather simplistic with just a few icons but you can bring up a terminal if necessary. custom built desktop notebook computers e Book Review: Ubuntu Hacks The second chapter dwells on the topics related to customizing the Ubuntu desktop. Here the authors give tips to install Java, customize Ubuntu desktop, install additional window managers, synchronizing ones PDA and Pocket PC, laptop+customize: laptop+customize