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Centro per il trattamento antifumo. Smetti di fumare in un'unica seduta di 20 minuti con certificato di garanzia. A Legnago (VR) tel 0442 602298.
Antismoking System International Franchising Networ
Con Antismoking System smettere di fumare non sarà più un problema, è arrivato finalmente un metodo che ti offre un'elevata possibilità di riuscita.
Antismoking Center Bergamo - Ti facciamo smettere di fumare
Antismoking Center - Bergamo - Con noi anche tu potrai dire 'No grazie, io non fumo più'
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Antismoking System - Centri Antifumo - Smettere di fumare, oggi sì
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Caravaggio antismoking center
L' antismoking center Caravaggio partecipa alla campagna antifumo avvalendosi di un metodo di dissuefazione dalla nicotina basato sulla elettrostimolazione
Antismoking Center S.r.l. - I prodotti
Con questo metodo è possibile intervenire in tre settori specifici con ottimi risultati: con Antismoking sulla disintossicazione e disassuefazione al fumo e
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Antismoking Center - (Roma)
Con la sua esperienza pluriennale, l'ANTISMOKING CENTER è in grado di fornire una precisa e completa consulenza a coloro i quali desiderano smettere di
Issue ads blanket TV during legislative session Herald & Review
SPRINGFIELD - Thursday's state Senate vote to ban smoking in all Illinois public places comes on the heels of hundreds of thousands of dollars in television advertising trying to convince voters and lawmakers that secondhand smoke is dangerous.
Beauty Queen's Tobacco Talk Spurned Due to Industry Links Join Together Online
The Dover (N.H.) Coalition for Youth has disinvited Miss New Hampshire from speaking at its "Kick Butts" event because her antismoking appearances are being funded by tobacco company R.J. Reynolds, the Associated Press reported March 27.
Filtering out College Heights Herald
Lori Monroe walked into the doctor's office in 2001 for a hysterectomy. Monroe wanted to cure her heavy periods, but she realized after a week of tests that she had a bigger problem. The doctors told her that she had stage four lung cancer, the last stage before death.
'Miracle' obesity pill looks less miraus The Arizona Republic
When Sanofi-Aventis SA reported data on a new obesity pill at a medical conference in March 2004, it generated instant buzz.
Kaine sets up confrontation on smoking Roanoke Times
If lawmakers allow the change to stand, smoking in restaurants will be banned. Gov. Tim Kaine on Monday amended a bill so that it would ban smoking in restaurants.
Aspiring Filmmaker Not Going Hollywood The Tampa Tribune
As a child, Andrew Ortoski liked to "direct" his own scenes in home movies. His parents say "Lights; camera; action" were among his first words.
GOP leaders skeptical of idea for tobacco fund The Columbus Dispatch
Get ready for a lot of talk about "securitization." That?s the $12 word for Gov. Ted Strickland?s plan to raise $5 billion to help pay for his proposed property-tax cut for seniors and other aspects of his $52.9 billion budget.
Without skipping a beat Boston Globe
In January, Miss Massachusetts Michaela Gagne competed in the 2007 Miss America pageant in Las Vegas. Having failed to take home the tiara, she's back home in Fall River, teaching art therapy to at-risk youth and waitressing at a cafe owned by her sister. By raising awareness of heart-health issues, however, Gagne, a national spokeswoman for the American Heart Association's
City out to snuff secondhand smoke The Columbus Dispatch
The most sweeping antismoking law in the world is up for consideration in the California city of Belmont, which aims to curb the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.
Imperial Tobacco Makes Offer to Altadis Convenience Store News
MADRID -- The Wall Street Journal reported that Spanish-French tobacco company Altadis SA received an unsolicited approach from U.K.-based Imperial Tobacco Group PLC, in the latest signal that the global tobacco industry is poised for dramatic consolidation.antismoking: antismoking lombardia ? antismoking system ? antismoking lombardia ? antismoking system ? antismoking

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