Clinic chairman wins liver award The Plain Dealer Dr. John Fung, chairman of the Cleveland Clinic's Depart ment of Gen eral Surgery, and director of the clinic's plant cen ter, has received the 2007 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Achievement in Liver Transplantation Award. Local News Halifax Today Now slowing the train that champions us! LOCAL scenes including Sowerby Bridge canal basin are now appearing on Northern Rail carriages which operate mainly on the Caldervale line between Leeds and Manches-ter. Edwards wants Browns to loosen up in red zone The Canton Repository BEREA Why do the Browns keep hitting nasty chuckholes on drives to the end zone? Sunday's annoying loss to Pittsburgh added a few more snapshots to the body of evidence. On first downs in Steeler ter Irish Pike Frenzy for Wirral Eight ; ANGLING With DAVE HOUGHTON RedNova IRELAND'S Lough Ramor produced a staggering 2,500lb of pike for eight Wirral anglers with a biggest specimen clocking in at 25lb 8oz. County Calendar - 11/23/06 phillyburbs.com * Thanksgiving 2006 Pretender's Tour, Stage I ride, Class B plus/A, sponsored by the Outdoor Club of South Jersey, 8 a.m. Contact whcline@gmail.com for more information. Visual arts calendar Kansas City Star CARNEGIE ARTS CENTER: Holiday Gift Gallery. Includes wearable art, handmade jewelry, fiber arts, photography, ceramics and other items. 5-9 p.m. Dec. 1; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 2; noon-4 p.m. Dec. 3. BOUGHT AND SOLD The Oregonian Selected home sales of more than $200,000 during September, the most recent data available. The information is provided by First American Real Estate Solutions. The list may not be complete. 5 Kidney Transfers Occur in One Day RedNova BALTIMORE - It took 12 surgeons, six operating rooms and five donors to pull it off, but five desperate strangers simultaneously received new organs in what hospital officials Monday described as the first-ever quintuple kidney plant. Market is heating up for premium, natural, convenient and green ice cream Just Food Manufacturers are fighting back against retailers’ own labels with more premium and innovative ice cream ranges. This premiumisation and differentiation is essential in order to avoid the economisation of the sector following private label’s focus on traditional flavoured and low-price ice cream products. Helen Lewis reports. Sister's search for lost brother ends in sadness The Trenton Times HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP -- A Mercer County Corrections Center inmate found hanging inside his cell this past Saturday died of a suspected suicide, authorities said yesterday, leaving a sister who had been searching for him for two years to find out his whereabouts the hard way -- through a death notification.
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