
The Computation Monitor Project

Using the Demo

The ComputationMonitor demo opens a window with several labels and text fields, two radio-buttons and a push-button.

To run a quick demo, just press the push-button "Start computation", leaving the built-in settings. A new window opens, with a check-box and a disabled push-button. Pressing several times the check-box "Pause", the computation alternatively suspends and resumes. Pressing the push-button "Kill job" when the computation is suspended, the computation ends and the secondary window closes.

The fields in the primary window are the following:

Try the following combinations, keeping the default values for the other fields:

Caution: If you set a very long unresponsiveness time for a long computation, you will not be able to terminate that computation. For instance, if you set Running time per stage=3600000 (i.e. an hour) and Initial unresponsiveness time=600000 (ten minutes), your supension command will take effect only ten minutes after the start of the computation.

Caution: The "Kill job" command, terminates only the current computation, so, if you set a big iteration count, you will not be able to terminate all the iterations. For instance, if you set Running time per stage=1000 (i.e. one second) and Iteration count=600, you will have to wait ten minutes before completion.

Tip: If you inadvertently launched a computation that you can't stop, go to the console window where you started it, and press Ctrl+C.

Installation Instructions for Microsoft Windows Users For MS Windows
Installation Instructions for Unix Users For Unix
The Computation Monitor Project Step-by-Step Tutorial
© Carlo Milanesi - Last update: 30 September 2002