The three men hand back as The Wolf examines the car. He studies the car in silence, opening the door, looking inside, circling it.

THE WOLF Jimmie?


THE WOLF Do me a favor, will ya? Thought I smelled some coffee in there. Would you make me a cup?

JIMMIE Sure, how do you take it?

THE WOLF Lotsa cream, lotsa sugar.

Jimmie exists. The Wolf continues his examination.

THE WOLF About the car, is there anything I need to know? Does it stall, does it make a lot of noise, does it smoke, is there gas in it, anything?

JULES Aside from how it looks, the car's cool.

THE WOLF Positive? Don't get me out on the road and I find out the brake lights don't work.

JULES Hey man, as far as I know, the motherfucker's tip-top.

THE WOLF Good enough, let's go back to the kitchen.


Jimmie hands The Wolf a cup of coffee.

THE WOLF Thank you, Jimmie.

He takes a sip, then, pacing as he thinks, lays out for the three men the plan of action.

THE WOLF Okay first thing, you two. (meaning Jules and Vincent) Take the body, stick it in the trunk. Now Jimmie, this looks to be a pretty domesticated house. That would lead me to believe that in the garage or under the sink, you got a bunch of cleaners and cleaners and shit like that, am I correct?

JIMMIE Yeah. Exactly. Under the sink.

THE WOLF Good. What I need you two fellas to do is take those cleaning products and clean the inside of the car. And I'm talkin' fast, fast, fast. You need to go in the backseat, scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull. Get it out of there. Wipe down the upholstery -- now when it comes to upholstery, it don't need to be spic and span, you don't need to eat off in. Give it a good once over. What you need to take care of are the really messy parts. The pools of blood that have collected, you gotta soak that shit up. But the windows are a different story. Them you really clean. Get the Windex, do a good job. Now Jimmie, we need to raid your linen closet. I need blankets, I need comforters, I need quilts, I need bedspreads. The thicker the better, the darker the better. No whites, can't use 'em. We need to camouflage the interior of the car. We're gonna line the front seat and the backseat and the floor boards with quilts and blankets. If a cop stops us and starts stickin' his big snout in the car, the subterfuge won't last. But at a glance, the car will appear to be normal. Jimmie -- lead the way, boys -- get to work.

The Wolf and Jimmie turn, heading for the bedroom, leaving Vincent and Jules standing in the kitchen.

VINCENT (calling after him) A "please" would be nice.

The Wolf stops and turns around.

THE WOLF Come again?

VINCENT I said a "please" would be nice.

The Wolf takes a step toward him.

THE WOLF Set is straight, Buster. I'm not here to say "please." I'm here to tell you want to do. And if self- preservation is an instinct you possess, you better fuckin' do it and do it quick. I'm here to help. If my help's not appreciated, lotsa luck gentlemen.

JULES It ain't that way, Mr. Wolf. Your help is definitely appreciated.

VINCENT I don't mean any disrespect. I just don't like people barkin' orders at me.

THE WOLF If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fuckin' car.


Jimmie's gathering all the bedspreads, quilts and linen he has. The Wolf is on the phone.

THE WOLF (into phone) It's a 1974 Chevy Nova. (pause) White. (pause) Nothin', except for the mess inside. (pause) About twenty minutes. (pause) Nobody who'll be missed. (pause) You're a good man, Joe. See ya soon. (he looks at Jimmie) How we comin', Jimmie?

Jimmie comes over with a handful of linen.

JIMMIE Mr. Wolf, you gotta understand somethin' --

THE WOLF -- Winston, Jimmie -- please, Winston.

JIMMIE You gotta understand something, Winston. I want to help you guys out and all, but that's my best linen. It was a wedding present from my Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny, and they ain't with us anymore --

THE WOLF -- let me ask you a question, if you don't mind?


THE WOLF Were you Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny millionaires?


THE WOLF Well, your Uncle Marsellus is. And I'm positive if Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny were millionaires, they would've furnished you with a whole bedroom set, which your Uncle Marsellus is more than happy to do. (takes out a roll of bills) I like oak myself, that's what's in my bedroom. How 'bout you Jimmie, you an oak man?

JIMMIE Oak's nice.


Both Jules and Vincent are inside the car cleaning it up. Vincent is in the front seat washing windows, while Jules is in the backseat, picking up little pieces of skull and gobs of brain. Both are twice as bloody as they were before.

JULES I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked-up repugnant shit!

VINCENT Did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong, he's immediately forgiven for all wrong-doings?

JULES Man, get outta my face with that shit! The motherfucker who said that never had to pick up itty- bitty pieces of skull with his fingers on account of your dumb ass.

VINCENT I got a threshold, Jules. I got a threshold for the abuse I'll take. And you're crossin' it. I'm a race car and you got me in the red. Redline 7000, that's where you are. Just know, it's fuckin' dangerous to be drivin' a race car when it's in the red. It could blow.

JULES You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE." I'm what Jimmie Walker usta talk about. In fact, what the fuck am I doin' in the back? You're the motherfucker should be on brain detail. We're tradin'. I'm washin' windows and you're pickin' up this nigger's skull.


The interior of the car has been cleaned and lined with bedspreads and quilts. Believe it or not, what looked like a portable slaughterhouse can actually pass for a non-descript vehicle.

The Wolf circles the car examining it.

Jules and Vincent stand aside, their clothes are literally a bloody mess, but they do have a sense of pride in what a good job they've done.

THE WOLF Fine job, gentlemen. We may get out of this yet.

JIMMIE I can't believe that's the same car.

THE WOLF Well, let's not start suckin' each other's dicks quite yet. Phase one is complete, clean the car, which moves us right along to phase two, clean you two.


Jules and Vincent stand side by side in their black suits, covered in blood, in Jimmie's backyard. Jimmie holds a plastic Hefty trash bag, while The Wolf holds a garden hose with one of those guns nossles attached.


VINCENT All the way?

THE WOLF To your bare ass.

As they follow directions, The Wolf enjoys a smoke.

THE WOLF Quickly gentlemen, we got about fifteen minutes before Jimmie's better-half comes pulling into the driveway.

JULES This morning air is some chilly shit.

VINCENT Are you sure this is absolutely necessary?

THE WOLF You know what you two look like?


THE WOLF Like a couple of guys who just blew off somebody's head. Yes, strippin' off those bloody rags is absolutely necessary. Toss the clothes in Jim's garbage bag.

JULES Now Jimmie, don't do nothin' stupid like puttin' that out in front of your house for Elmo the garbage man to take away. THE WOLF Don't worry, we're takin' it with us. Jim, the soap.

He hands the now-naked men a bar of soap.

THE WOLF Okay gentlemen, you're both been to County before, I'm sure. Here it comes.

He hits the trigger, water SHOOTS OUT, SMACKING both men.

JULES Goddamn, that water's fuckin' cold!

THE WOLF Better you than me, gentlemen.

The two men, trembling, scrub themselves.

THE WOLF Don't be afraid of the soap, spread it around.

The Wolf stops the hose, tossing it on the ground.

THE WOLF Towel 'em.

Jimmie tosses them each a towel, which they rub furiously across their bodies.

THE WOLF You're dry enough, give 'em their clothes.

JIMMIE Okay fellas, in the one-size-fits- all category, we got swim trunks, one red -- one white. And two extra-large tee-shirts. A UC Santa Cruz shirt and an "I'm with Stupid" shirt.

JULES I get the "I'm with Stupid" shirt.



in their tee-shirts and swim trunks. They look a million miles away from the black-suited, bad-asses we first met.THE WOLF Perfect. Perfect. We couldn't've planned this better. You guys look like...what do they look like, Jimmie?

JIMMIE Dorks. They look like a couple of dorks.

The Wolf and Jimmie laugh.

JULES Ha ha ha. They're your clothes, motherfucker.

JIMMIE I guess you just gotta know how to wear them.

JULES Yeah, well, out asses ain't the expert on wearin' dorky shit that your is.

THE WOLF C'mon, gentlemen, we're laughin' and jokin' our way into prison. Don't make me beg.

They start walking through the house to the garage.

JIMMIE Wait a minute, before you guys split, I wanna get a picture of this.

JULES Jimmie, have you forgotten about your wife comin' home?

JIMMIE It won't take a second.

VINCENT I don't like this photograph shit.

JIMMIE Sorry -- my house, my rules.


The garbage bag is tossed in the car trunk on top of Marvin. The Wolf SLAMS is closed.

THE WOLF Gentlemen, let's get our rules of the road straight. We're going to a place called Monster Joe's Truck and Tow. Monster Joe and his daughter Raquel are sympathetic to out dilemma. The place is North Hollywood, so a few twist and turns aside, we'll be goin' up Hollywood Way. Now I'll drive the tainted car. Jules, you ride with me. Vincent, you follow in my Porsche. Now if we cross the path of any John Q. Laws, nobody does a fuckin' thing 'til I do something. (to Jules) What did I say?

JULES Don't do shit unless --

THE WOLF -- unless what?

JULES Unless you do it first.

THE WOLF Spoken like a true prodigy. (to Vincent) How 'bout you, Lash Larue? Can you keep your spurs from jingling and jangling?

VINCENT I'm cool, Mr. Wolf. My gun just went off, I dunno how.

THE WOLF Fair enough. (he throws Vince his car keys) I drive real fuckin' fast, so keep up. If I get my car back any different than I gave it, Monster Joe's gonna be disposing of two bodies.

JULES Why do you drive fast? THE WOLF Because it's a lot of fun.

Jules and Vincent laugh.

THE WOLF Let's move.

Jimmie comes through the door, camera in hand.

JIMMIE Wait a minute, I wanna take a picture.

JULES We ain't got time, man.

JIMMIE We got time for one picture. You and Vincent get together.

Jules and Vincent stand next to each other.

JIMMIE Okay, you guys put your arms around each other.

The two men look at each other and, after a long beat, a smile breaks out. They put their arms around each other.

JIMMIE Okay Winston, get in there.

THE WOLF I ain't no model.

JIMMIE After what a cool guy I've been, I can't believe you do me like this. It's the only thing I asked.

JULES & VINCENT C'mon, Mr. Wolf....

THE WOLF Okay, one photo and we go.


JIMMIE (OS) Everybody say Pepsi.

JULES (OS) I ain't fuckin' sayin' Pepsi.

JIMMIE (OS) Smile, Winston.

THE WOLF I don't smile in pictures.

The camera goes off, FLASHING THE SCREEN WHITE.

THE PHOTO FADES UP OVER WHITE. it's Jules and Vincent, their arms around each other, next to Jimmie' whose arm is around The Wolf. Everyone is smiling except you-know-who.


Winston is counting out three thousand dollars to an older man in a dirty tee-shirt, MONSTER JOE. We're in Joe's office, which looks like the office of every tow yard on the planet. A filthy, disarrayed mess.

MONSTER JOE I've said it before, I'll say it again, your business is always welcome.

WINSTON I would think by now I've earned the equivalent of Frequent Flyer miles.

MONSTER JOE I'll tell ya what, if you ever need it, I'll dispose of a body part for free.

WINSTON How 'bout an upgrade, you dispose a whole body for the price of a body part.

The two men laugh.

MONSTER JOE That one I need to speak with my accountant on.

WINSTON Where's that reprobate daughter of yours? MONSTER JOE Out in the yard, up to no good.


Winston steps outside and is joined by Monster Joe's daughter, RAQUEL. They walk in step across the yard with their arms around each other's waists.

RAQUEL Hello, Boyfriend!

WINSTON Hello, Girlfriend. I swear, heartbreaker, Joe should change the name of this place to Beauty and the Beast Truck and Tow.

RAQUEL You're prejudiced because you love me.


RAQUEL Now business is done, it's time for pleasure.

WINSTON The time it is, is time for bed.

RAQUEL Contre senior Lobo.

WINSTON Do you have a different idea?

RAQUEL Most definitely.

WINSTON What do you think?

RAQUEL I think you're taking me out to breakfast.

WINSTON Well, you thought wrong.

RAQUEL That's no fair! I never get to see you.

WINSTON Raquel, I been up all night. I need sleep. You understand the concept of sleep?

RAQUEL Yes, sleep is what you do after you've taken me to breakfast. Just get used to the idea, indulging me is the price of doing business at Monster Joe's Truck and Tow.

WINSTON Raquel --

RAQUEL I haven't seen you in a long time. I miss you, we're going to breakfast. So it is written, so shall it be done.

They exit the tow yard. Jules and Vincent wait by Winston's Porsche.

JULES We cool?

WINSTON Like it never happened.

Jules and Vincent bump fists.

JULES I apologize for bein' in your shit like I was.

VINCENT You had every right, I fucked up.

RAQUEL (to Winston) Are they having a moment?

WINSTON Boys, this is Raquel. Someday, all this will be hers.

RAQUEL (to the boys) Hi. You know, if they ever do "I SPY: THE MOTION PICTURE," you guys, I'd be great. What's with the outfits. You guys going to a volleyball game?

Winston laughs, the boys groan.

WINSTON I'm takin' m'lady out to breakfast. Maybe I can drop you two off. Where do you live?

VINCENT Redondo Beach.

JULES Inglewood.

Winston grabs Jules' wrist and pantomimes like he's in a "DEAD ZONE" trance.

WINSTON (painfully) It's your future: I see...a cab ride. (dropping the act) Sorry guys, move out of the sticks. (to Raquel) Say goodbye, Raquel

RAQUEL Goodbye, Raquel.

WINSTON I'll see you two around, and stay outta trouble, you crazy kids.

Winston turns to leave.

JULES Mr. Wolf.

He turns around.

JULES I was a pleasure watchin' you work.

The Wolf smiles.

WINSTON Call me Winston. He turns and banters with Raquel as they get in the Porsche.

WINSTON You hear that, young lady? Respect. You could lean a lot from those two fine specimens. Respect for one's elders shows character.

RAQUEL I have character.

WINSTON Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.

RAQUEL Oh you're so funny, oh you're so funny.

The Porsche SHOOTS OFF down the road.

The two men left alone look at each other.

JULES Wanna share a cab?

VINCENT You know I could go for some breakfast. What to have breakfast with me?