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Hard-to-Believe Credit Card Rates The Motley Fool via Yahoo! News
I've read plenty of times about how credit card companies routinely charge many borrowers as much as 30% interest or more per year. I even reported on it. In that article, I explained a practice known as "universal default," which can get you whacked with sky-high interest rates on many or most of your cards if you're late paying just one bill. And the default typically kicks in without your
Tony Blair dismisses SNP's 'flimsy' economic case for independence The Scotsman
TONY Blair today launches an all-out Labour offensive against the Scottish National Party, amid growing Labour discord about how to approach next May's crucial Holyrood elections.
Hard-to-Believe Credit Card Rates Motley Fool via Yahoo! Finance
Watch out for the "universal default" practice.
Film Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Film listings are edited by Cheryl Eddy. Reviewers are Robert Avila, Kimberly Chun, Michelle Devereaux, Susan Gerhard, Max Goldberg, Dennis Harvey, Johnny Ray Huston, Jonathan L. Knapp, Laurie Koh, Lynn Rapoport, Jason Shamai, and Chuck Stephens. The film intern is Sara Schieron.
Banks pull out the big guns to guard online users USA Today
Online banking presents a tantalizing quandary to financial institutions: It is a prime opportunity to snap up potential customers in the lucrative Internet market. But online banking also presents a calculated risk. Financial institutions must balance the ticklish task of selling new services while maintaining a secure system.
Water cooler EETimes
What's the latest and greatest news heard around the water cooler?
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