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Network Solutions Launches Pay-Per-Click Online Marketing Services (PR Web via Yahoo! News) - Herndon, VA (PRWeb) December 13, 2006 -- Network Solutions, a leading provider of Web-based business solutions, today launched its new pay-per-click suite of services called PerformanceClicks™.. Network Solutions Launches Pay-Per-Click Online Marketing Services (PR Web) - Pay-per-click services made easy and affordable with the support of dedicated online marketing experts that help turn leads into sales. (PRWeb Dec 13, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL: Daniel Jupp gives his top ten resolutions for search engine marketing in 2007. (New Media Knowledge) - Resolution 1: Campaign maintenance Pay per click campaigns are like local libraries. Use them or lose them. It does takes discipline and planning to keep a campaign relevant, but revising keywords and writing eye-catching new adverts at regular intervals are good habits to get into.. Apple's iPhone Then Google's GPhone (WebProNews) - France Telecom's mobile phone unit, Orange, reportedly sent executives to the Googleplex to discuss a potential partnership. The discussions could lead to Google's search technology powering a new "Google phone", which would make using cell phones as easy as the world's most popular search engine. Their plans centre on a branded Google phoneit might have a screen similar to a video iPod. But it . Google Buys Swiss Mapping Company (WebProNews) - Google continues its pattern of omnigooglization in Europe by acquiring the Internet, mapping and data processing units of Switzerland-based Endoxon, for an undisclosed sum. Google Earths & Maps, led by Director John Hanke, will be grouped together under the company name Mappuls AG . Google says Endoxon's engineering staff and technical resources will bolster Google Earth and Maps' analysis . Getting paid to open an e-mail (San Jose Mercury News) - Wanted: Your eyeballs. Reward: 15 cents. That's what many big-name companies will pay you to open an e-mail, and San Francisco start-up Boxbe is ready to set up the deals. As an added bonus, signing up may be the antidote to getting spammed.. Google Considering Video Options for China (WebProNews) - Reuters reports both Google and are considering their options for expanding online video services in China. " …Google is considering whether to simply translate its global YouTube site into Chinese or build up a brand new "YouTube China", possibly through the acquisition of a local video-sharing Web site, which may cost more time and money." I wish I knew more about the search market . Who's Your Go Daddy? (CNN Money) - To get a sense of how Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons leads his life, just ask for a ride in Mad Max. That's the vehicle he keeps at his office, deep in a nondescript business park amid the sprawl that is Scottsdale, Ariz. Max, as Parsons affectionately calls it, is a customized Jeep Rubicon Unlimited: Quarter-inch armor lining makes brushes with boulders a nonissue. A steel bar on Max's front end . Top 10 Search Marketing Resolutions For 2007 ( - To really get the ad results you want online, try setting these smart goals for the new year.. Google Says Click Fraud Only 2 Percent (WebProNews) - Defying the third-party firms that sell themselves to customers amid claims of greater incidents of click fraud, as much as 20 or 30 percent, a Google executive claimed the actual rate is only about 2 percent. Companies in the business of protecting clients against illicit clicks may have to answer a dicey question from those prospective customers: "If click fraud is only two percent, .

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