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Middle-class tax cut!
Democratic leaders this week vowed to make the alternative minimum tax a centerpiece of next year’s budget debate, saying the levy threatens to unfairly increase tax bills for millions of middle-class families by the end of the decade.
Lex Reveals the Evidence
LEX: Spagnola denies that the problems identified, and documented, LEX: Sam, having tried and failed to use actual evidence to prove bias, “Today, the President announced that his tax cuts created 5 million new jobs.
Getting it Right and Wrong on Japan
First off, the FT's lex column seems to be on the right track concerning Japan. This week Lex also takes on Japan in one of her columns pointing once the government is mulling a cut in corporate income tax and other tax changes.
Not even Civil Unions??
I don't think anyone should take any joy in nor celebrate this use of the legislative and electoral process to diminish the rights of law-abiding, tax-paying, service-providing, goods-consuming citizens of the United States.
Election 2006!!
and Iraqi civilians, by an economy that is gaining steam on the backs of the shrinking middle class, and by the diminution of our social safety net of public education and affordable health care as a result of unnecessary tax cuts.
Open season begins Nov. 13 for civilian health insurance programs
There are three types of FSA accounts: the Health Care FSA, the Limited Expense,or LEX, Health Care FSA, and the Dependent Care FSA. The FSAFEDS program allows federal employees to set aside pre-tax money for a wide range of medical and
Not the reason you want to end up in The Wall Street Journal
Taylor's opposition to the effort, The Washington Post explained at the time, "comes down to principle: The federal government is already the largest landowner in the country, and he believes that no additional tax dollars should go to
Because contrary to all of the foregoing I had not said one word to her or any of the others about marginal tax rates, capital gains, or the inheritance tax. We had not touched on the role of government in health care, gun control,
Another one gets Two more get off the bus
Are tax cuts that important? What is gained by keeping troops in harms way with no clear plan for victory? With no desire to change course? With our guys dying every day in what looks to be for no real good reason? Why?
Political Dialogue
What follows are the edited contents of an email exchange Lex and I had Friday. will lead to a world where there is a pro-, pro-abortion, low tax, The GOP has been very good on tax cuts, and we have all benefited from that.

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