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Is the House Set to Pass a 21st Century Poll Tax?
The term “poll tax” raises ugly memories of when the right to vote depended on who you were and where you lived. Today, congressional Republicans are pushing hard to pass new legislation that civil rights and voting rights groups say
Back then we had the poll tax, weapons sales and support for South Africa's Apartheid regime. Today we have wars killing hundreds of thousands of ordinary, innocent people and associated lies and deceptions, savage attacks on human
net.wars: A different kind of poll tax
Elections have always had two parts: the election itself, and the dickering beforehand (and occasionally afterwards) over who gets to vote. "I need to see some ID"
Modern-Day 'Poll Tax' Costs GOP Votes
Non-felons are being targeted by activist judiciary
Poll taxes and voter ID
Some people have gone so far as to say that any requirement to present ID in order to vote is a "poll tax," and therefore unconstitutional. That's simply not the case, but to see why, it helps to understand just exactly what a poll tax
ACLU: Requiring Voter ID = Poll Tax
There are voters who simply don't have photo ID and requiring them to purchase one in order to vote would be tantamount to a poll tax. This measure will disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority voters, senior citizens,
Republican House Passes '21st Century Poll Tax'
''It's a modern day poll tax. Any bill that would require all eligible citizen voters to engage in a bureaucratic process to obtain a citizen ID that includes swearing poverty in order to vote is corrosive and undemocratic,'' he said.
The british anti-war movement is rising
Dave gave the example of the campaign against the poll tax, which was rooted in estates, schools, colleges and workplaces, and was organized through democratic structures locally, regionally and nationally.
The following was written by me and published in t
They led real, actual struggles in Liverpool and against the poll tax, but even then these were at a time of defensive actions. The Militant had thousands of cadres. Its main leader, Peter Taaffe’s crime was especially harmful because
The Return of the Poll Tax and Other Anti-Democratic Trends in US
Be scared. Be very scared. Not just of terrorists. Not just of Democrats if they win back Congress. And not just because it is Halloween. Be scared because our democracy is being threatened by the co-optation of voting rules by the

poll tax. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
poll tax. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05.
Lobby - Wikipedia
la lobby contro la "poll-tax" istituita dal Primo Ministro conservatore Margaret Thatcher, che si è attivata in più riprese nell'arco dell'anno 1990/1991 in
Polltax.co.uk Council Tax and Poll Tax Discussion Forum
Get something off your chest about local taxation in the UK right now at Polltax.co.uk - the Council Tax and Poll Tax Discussion Forum
The Poll Tax: The battle that brought down Thatcher
A history provided by the Trotskyite group, the Socialist Party, detailing the anti-Poll Tax campaign in which their forerunner "The Millitant Tendency" was
Poll Tax - MSN Encarta
Poll Tax Nome del tributo versato da un individuo, indipendentemente dal reddito, dai beni posseduti Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta Poll Tax

The Poll Tax: The battle that brought down Thatcher
A history provided by the Trotskyite group, the Socialist Party, detailing the anti-Poll Tax campaign in which their forerunner "The Millitant Tendency" was
Poll Tax - MSN Encarta
Poll Tax Nome del tributo versato da un individuo, indipendentemente dal reddito, dai beni posseduti Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta Poll Tax
poll tax — FactMonster.com
poll tax, a capital tax levied equally on every adult in the community. Although no longer a significant source of revenue for any major country, the poll
Poll Tax Riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Poll Tax Riots, as they became known, were major acts of civil disobedience carried out The Poll Tax Riot - ten hours that shook Trafalgar Square.
Mrs. Thatcher's Poll Tax
A critique of the Poll Tax from the American Libertarian Murray Rothbard. From his 1995 book "Making Economic Sense".
poll tax nightmare
A typical leaflet produced by the non-payment campaign.
FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Ratification of the Twenty-fourth Amendment marked the culmination of an endeavor begun in Congress in 1939 to effect elimination of the poll tax as a
poll tax: Definition and Much More from Answers.com
poll tax n. A tax levied on people rather than on property, often as a requirement for voting.
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