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Hosting ASP.NET Web Sites and SPS Portals on the Same Server
In this article Amal demonstrates how to host Microsoft SharePoint 2003 (SPS) portals and ASP.NET web sites on same web server without IIS conflicts
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web pages, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript code, ASP, PHP, Databases like MS SQL and MySQL. and checks their availability.2) Web Hosting: You need to a place for your web site.There are a lot of hosting providers you can choose from.
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When considering ASP web hosting as an option for your type of web site and hosting This is great for webmasters who use ASP web hosting as a solution because ASP ASP web hosting is server based so a webmaster has the use of an
Workflow and ASP.NET Web Services
If I change the Workflow to work this way then we need a new External Data Exchange interface to sit in between the Workflow and the host (ASP.NET in this case) something like;. [Serializable] public class DocumentApprovedEventArgs
Hosting ASP.NET 1.1 websites along side ASP.NET 2.0 websites
I haven’t been able to find much info on this but it is possible to run two websites (one .NET 1.1 and one .NET 2.0) on a single Windows Server 2003 server. The key is to have them run in different application pools.
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ASP web hosting enables the company to create a customized web solution using the Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. Active Server Pages (ASP) is defined as a specification for a web page with .ASP extension that uses ActiveX
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Choosing a Web Hosting Deployment Scenario Today, most hosters differentiate themselves based on price, level of service, or product offerings. Differentiation with product offerings depends on what infrastructure the service provider

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