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11/12/2006: The Editorial Page: Deja vu
TAX • Re: “Done the right way, a carbon tax can work,” Jay Bryan, Opinion, Nov. 8. So Ipsos Reid finds that Canadians would be comfortable with a carbon tax. What do we call the 40 cents on the dollar in taxes, on gasoline purchases,
Boulder, Co. residents vote to tax selves for carbon use
Boulder, Colo., will charge residents and businesses the carbon tax based on how much electricity they use. Most electricity in Boulder is generated at plants that use coal, which produces more of the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide,
The carbon-for-payroll tax trade
A carbon tax is a nice idea substantively. Pairing it with reducing the burden of payroll taxes might even make it palatable politically
It Is High Time for a Carbon Tax
A “Carbon Tax”. It is not just Democrats who support this idea that was, among others, proposed by Al Gore and President Clinton in the form of a BTU Tax. There is now an increasing number of Republicans who support this tax.
United States: Carbon Tax and Global Warming
National Ledger: A carbon tax will be used to fight global warming in a liberal Boulder, Colo., will charge consumers a carbon tax based on how much electricity they use. The tax will be levied on both businesses and residents.
What are the arguments against a carbon tax?
Nouriel has a good list of reasons and economists in favor of a carbon tax; anybody who's been reading Greg Mankiw probably knows most of them by now. But the first three comments on Nouriel's blog are all from people who think it's a
Fun with Carbon Taxes
Mark Kleiman argues that we need a carbon tax to avert global warming and give people incentives to adopt less energy-intensive lifestyles. But because new taxes are such a radioactive thing to propose, and because a gas tax would be
Change the system
On a purely theoretical level, it's not at all inconsistent for a Republican to advocate a carbon tax. Conservatives prefer taxing actions to taxing income because it's a way to avoid progressivity; rich and poor get taxed at the
Carbon taxes good for Alberta, any way you slice it
What interested me most was Albertan's support for a carbon tax as a way of Now, granted, the only real similarity between a carbon tax and the NEP that But a carbon tax, if properly implemented, would not produce the economic
Is a Carbon Tax in America's Future
9 Wall Street Journal op-ed, former Bush speechwriter David Frum suggested that President Bush propose a carbon tax. N. Gregory Mankiw, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Bush White House, suggested the same

Carbon tax e accisa 2005. Scarica di seguito la circolare relativa alla carbon tax e accisa sul gasolio per autotrazione. FILE DA SCARICARE.
Implementing the carbon tax
This consultation paper provides further implementation details on the carbon tax, and seeks views on its proposed operation.
Carbon Tax Provides Fairest Incentive For Curbing Global Warming
A carbon tax would provide the maximum incentive for bright engineers to A carbon tax provides an equal incentive for both pathways to be part of the
Agevolazioni fiscali connesse a veicoli a motore o a carburanti
Carbon tax È stato previsto un credito d’imposta a favore degli esercenti le attività di autotrasporto merci con veicoli di massa massima complessiva non
Beehive.govt.nz - Carbon tax will not go ahead in 2007
“The government has decided not to implement a carbon tax, or any other broad based tax, The decision not to implement the carbon tax follows a whole of

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