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All content is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 . .: Disclaimer :. Questo sito ...Mosca, aggressione in sinagoga: la Corte Suprema riapre il caso ...AsiaNews.IT - Il rabbino capo di Russia Berel Lazar si č detto fiducioso che il giovane venga giudicato colpevole di anti-semitismo. Nel suo rapporto annuale per il 2004 lo Stephen Roth Institute dell'Universitā di ...Iraq, le elezioni delle sorprese: seggi pieni, i sunniti al voto anche ...AsiaNews.IT - A Mosul, cittā ben nota per la presenza sunnita e l'avversione anti-americana, i funzionari elettorali hanno detto che "l'affluenza č stata maggiore di quanto ci aspettavamo...LETTERA APERTA / NEPALIndymedia Italia - L'imponente e senza precedente manifestazione di massa di 300.000 maoisti indetta a Katmandu dal Partito Comunista del Nepal(Maoista) rappresenta l'apice della mobilitazione popolare anti ...Onu: l'Asia sta diventando la patria dell'AidsAsiaNews.IT - Recentemente, questi Paesi e anche il Tajikistan, hanno firmato un accordo con alcune organizzazioni internazionali per avviare un programma congiunto anti-Aids nella regione, dove si registrano circa ...Elezioni in Arabia: scoppia la democrazia nel mondo islamico?AsiaNews.IT - Certo, nei fondamentalisti essa crea un rifiuto, un anti-occidentalismo. Ma alla fine, chi credeva prima nella democrazia ci crede ancora adesso e chi non ci crede, non vi crede ancora adesso....Il Belgio rifiuta MicrosoftIl Corriere della Sera - ANTI-MICROSOFT - L'OpenDocument č una alternativa libera e gratuita ai formati proprietari di Microsoft Office che possono essere scambiati solo tra chi č in pos della suite....Key anti-terror law is a breach of human rights, judge rules (Times Online)THE Government's anti-terrorism laws were in disarray last night after the High Court ruled that they were illegal and breached the human rights of suspects....Anti-social behaviour proposals (BBC News)A scheme to help reduce anti-social behaviour in a town in Northamptonshire is set to be backed by a council....Leaders mark 1956 anti-communist protest (AP via Yahoo! News)The presidents of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Germany gathered in the city of Poznan on Wednesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first anti-communist protest of 1956....Lawsuit calls Microsoft's anti-piracy tool spyware (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)A computer user is suing Microsoft Corp. over the company's Windows Genuine Advantage anti-piracy tool, alleging that it violates laws against spyware....MEPs shelve prickly anti-fraud debate, again (Euro Observer)29.06.2006 - 09:34 CET | By Andrew Rettman EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Parliament has for the third time postponed a plenary debate on embarrassing allegations against the head of the EU anti-fraud office, OLAF chief Franz-Hermann Bruner, citing legal reasons....Judge quashes anti-terror orders (BBC News)Control orders made against six men under anti-terrorist legislation have been removed by a High Court judge...Anti-NATO protest staged in Moscow (Itar-Tass)The placard at left reads: 'The occupation regime in Iraq is to blame for the deaths of Russian diplomats.' Anti-NATO protest near the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Smolenskaya Square....Anti-terrorism control orders ruled illegal (Guardian Unlimited)A key part of the government's controversial anti-terrorism legislation was in limbo tonight, after a senior judge ruled that so-called "control orders" were incompatible with the European convention on human rights....Common Tapped To Headline Europe's Largest Anti-Racism Festival By Roman Wolfe Date: 6/28/2006 7:00 pm ( rapper Common has been added to London's anti-racist festival, Rise: London United. The event is Europe's largest anti-racism festival, taking place in Finsbury Park....Inyx's Ashton Pharma to make anti-anxiety drug for UK (PharmaBiz)Inyx, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on niche drug delivery technologies and products, announced that its wholly owned UK subsidiary, Ashton Pharmaceuticals Ltd., has been selected by a British specialty pharmaceutical company to manufacture a new anti-anxiety drug for the market in the United Kingdom....
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