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MISST - Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature for GODAE
The importance of SST to accurate weather forecasting of both severe events and daily weather GODAE: high-resolution bulk SST (at least 10 km, daily,
2nd GODAE High Resolution SST Pilot project (GHRSST-PP) workshop
demonstrate and improve data assimilation of SST data within GODAE. Plan for the GODAE SST Pilot Project;. GODAE Representative (N. Smith or P. Traon)
GDAC Home Page
Portal to The GODAE High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project multi-sensor, high-resolution near realtime SST products.
PO.DAAC AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder: Related Links
( GHRSST-PP (Godae High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project)
Data User Element
The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) high-resolution sea surface MEDSPIRATION - European service to the GODAE High resolution SST Pilot
Data User Element
Objectives, The international GODAE steering committee initiated the international GODAE High Resolution SST Pilot Project (GHRSST-PP) to develop a system
ghrsst3.ppt [Read-Only]
GODAE High-Resolution SST. Pilot Project. Gary A. Wick. 1. and Craig J. Donlon. 2. 1. NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory. 2. JRC, Ispra, Italy
Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature (MISST) for GODAE
These data are available on the GODAE. server in NRT. Additionally, a NRT global, 9-12 km SST analysis has been running at FNMOC since. November 2004.
Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature (MISST) for GODAE
The analyzed SST and sea ice fields are available within 6-hours of. real time on the US GODAE server ( Global SST under-development
Space-based Ocean Observations for GODAE
2.2 Satellite Altimeters, Scattrometers and SST sensors for the GODAE. demonstration phase. In general, the Ocean Global Circulation Model OGCM) requires
OA to ocean temperature data
The GODAE High Resolution SST project's Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility in Silver Spring, making all of the satellite data available online. "Ocean surface temperatures are critical for applications that range
OA to ocean temperature data
high-resolution ocean temperatures, dating back as far as 2005. The GODAE High Resolution SST project's Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility in Silver Spring, making all of the satellite data available online.
GHRSST-PP Godae High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
GHRSST-PP (Godae High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature PilotGHRSST-PP (Godae High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project) AVHRR Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature ( .
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