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Date#16 – City of Love
Pantalone went to get “his daughter” while the doctor sat me there and posed several medical questions. Finally Stephanie appeared and we had a huge hug while laughing like crazy. But I wanted an explanation; who was the doctor?
Grab Bag
Lastly, "Scene Changes" writes "The play was set in the future we were told, but the costuming had traces of retro toga, Roman and Greek, the men wore commedi del'arte nasal appendages which made them look like a cross between Pantalone
E’ infatti molto dubbio, anche se difficile da valutare, il fuorigioco fischiato a “Ibra”, bellissimo in pantalone lungo nero, una pantera che danza in punta di scarpette e che, se non arrivasse la segnalazione del guardalinee danese,
La Magistratura indaga sulla gestione scandalosa di Bassolino: nel
Sborsa dunque 2,3 miliardi di euro, Pantalone. Ma la Regione Campania deve trovarne altri 2,7: ha le pezze al . Ricorre, quindi, alla emissione di obbligazioni. Per reperire i fondi di cui ha bisogno, grazie al mercato.
The "Commedia dell'Arte" - for aefenglommung
In the Commedia tradition Brighella plays the role of “first zanni”, the wily servant who schemes against Pantalone, or aids the star-crossed young lovers whose parents are against their marriage. During the 17th and 18th centuries,
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Why Bloor is Better than Wellesley
cross-town connection near Bloor St. on Wellesley St. and Harbord St. This plan has repeatedly been endorsed at City Hall and is gaining momentum through the support of some City and some Councillors, including Rae and Pantalone.
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Three Galleons, chapter 1/4; R, SS/HG/RL
At first he waved off her concerns of age difference and temperment with an impatient snort, and when she persisted he took to declaring that she believed him to be a dessicated skirt-chasing pantalone of a pervert. What could she do?
City Council TTC Report Card: Wards 12-22
WARD 19 (Trinity-Spadina) - Joe Pantalone - B. A strong supporter of public it and has suggested such noteworthy projects as an LRT along the Queensway through Etobicoke. However, he favours the construction of the pedestrian
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