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FoxyTunes for Internet Explorer?!
The makers of FoxyTunes, the wondeful add-on for Mozilla Firefox that controls almost every media player you can download, have released a beta version of FoxyTunes for Internet Explorer. If you've used FoxyTunes before you already know
Australia Can Go Back To "Pre-Internet Era"; Warns Google
Australia that if they pass certain law that will make it easy for site owners and copyright owners to take "legal action against search engines for caching and archiving," it can set the country back to "the pre-Internet era."
Intute - new Internet tutorials released
I've always had a soft spot for the Virtual Training Suite of Internet information literacy tutorials. In my view this was one of the best things to come out of the JISC-funded Resource Discovery Network (now Intute) though,
China: One of the 13 Internet enemies in 2006
The Burmese government’s Internet policies are even more repressive than those of its It keeps a very close eye on Internet cafes, in which the computers The authorities targeted Internet telephony and chat services in June,
The nature of the Internet
The internet is based on copying. All front end developers learn their skills from viewing the source of their favourite sites. I know I did. If browsers didn’t have ‘view source’, the Internet would not be the important tool that it is
17000 people vote against Internet enemies during 24-hour protest
Internet users flocked to the Reporters Without Borders website to take part in a 24-hour protest against online censorship that has just ended, while symbolic demonstrations were held yesterday on the streets of Paris and New York.
It’s Tough & Rough Being an Internet Entrepreneur
Can you believe it: the internet recently passed the 100 million page The internet is changing our lives and helping us to do things never before possible. Many of us young entrepreneurs have ventures focused around the internet.
The Internet Toaster
There really was an Internet toaster- John Romkey rose to the occasion and connected a Sunbeam Deluxe Automatic Radiant Control Toaster to the Internet, becoming the hit of the 1990 Interop
24 Hours Againts Internet Censorship
Those who spread untruths and slander on the Internet will face the law. I don’t hope to see Malaysia to be listed as one of the internet black holes. I believe that the internet is free for all, and no one should draw a border
Enemies of the Internet and one huge opportunity
Interesting how the BBC has found a list of ‘Enemies of the Internet‘, countries which in some way or another discourage open opinion and free speech using the internet. I’m not disqualifying this list, but in particular there’s one

Internet Public Library:
The Internet Public Library (IPL) features a searchable, subject-categorized directory of authoritative websites; links to online texts, newspapers,
Internet Archive
Nonprofit organisation established to preserve Web sites by taking regular "snapshots". The Wayback Machine provides links to older versions of a webpage.
Internet Advertising Report
InternetNews provides real-time news updated throughout the business day, covering IT issues and Internet-related technologies for corporate managers and
Internet history, design, web, email
General guide to the Internet, includes sections covering the history of the Web, email, Usenet and other topics.
Internet Society (ISOC) All About The Internet: History of the
A Brief History of the Internet in Australia, Version 3.1 of 5 May 2001 by The Internet Society (ISOC) provides this list for information purposes only.

Internet Archive
Nonprofit organisation established to preserve Web sites by taking regular "snapshots". The Wayback Machine provides links to older versions of a webpage.
Internet Advertising Report
InternetNews provides real-time news updated throughout the business day, covering IT issues and Internet-related technologies for corporate managers and
Internet history, design, web, email
General guide to the Internet, includes sections covering the history of the Web, email, Usenet and other topics.
Internet Society (ISOC) All About The Internet: History of the
A Brief History of the Internet in Australia, Version 3.1 of 5 May 2001 by The Internet Society (ISOC) provides this list for information purposes only.
Internet Explorer 7: Home
Download Internet Explorer 7, the latest version of Microsoft's new, improved, and free web browser.
Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer 7 is here: Download and install it today · 2007 Microsoft Office system: Take a test drive or get Beta 2 Update today · Download Windows
JavaScript Source: Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code
The JavaScript Source is your resource for thousands of free JavaScripts for cutting and pasting into your Web pages. Get free Java Script tutorials,
Matisse's Glossary of Internet Terms
A list of Internet-related terms and definitions.
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