Unix Vs Windows

Which is the better?

Until first half of '90 years, Unix and Windows were not in competition because Unix systems were skilled for server job and Windows systems were skilled for client or work station job.
In second half of '90 years, something changes, becouse Microsoft imposes in the market the Windows NT Server 4.0
In spite of its inferiority in comparison whith others systems as SCO Unix, Sun Solaris, BSD and Linux, it succeeds in imposing in the market. The reason was a big business pressure that used as convincing argument, the power of the Microsoft monopoly.
In the same time, the Unix developpers did not sleep and developped user friendly environments with graphical interface.
The competition among the two environments is now global; Windows is not just a client and Unix is not just a server.
The competition had big influence in offices where some peaple support windows and some peaple support Unix.
The difference among the two groups of supporters is not just commercial, but is philosophical too.
Microsoft supporters think that the corporation will succeed in controlling world software market, because their software is the most used, and they have quality products as "Internet Explorer" and "Office", but is the business power the big difference.
Unix supporters think that the difference is tecnological, Unix is faster, more stable, easy to program, easy to solve the problem. Unix had a big quantity of software free, open source and easy to find by an internet research.
Open source means that is easy to understand a possible problem reading the software and in Windows this is impossible and the solution is the reboot.
Moreover is not true that on Unix is impossible to do office automation because now are developped very good programs as Star Office that can replace MS-Office in all, and it can use the format file of MS-Office too.

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