
you will find a complete list of my bootlegs available
for trading. Feel free to browse it, and if you find something
you'd like to get, don't hesitate to contact me at

Please take note that the following rules apply to all
the trades.
must be burned using DAO (no gaps)! Please
let me know if discs have gaps, clicks, hickups or
other technical defects. |
use a decent brand of CDR's (not the cheap, unbranded
ones or see-thru discs). I usually use TDK or Verbatim
(when available). Feel free to ask if you're unsure
about the brand. |
the bootlegs are burned DAO, with no gaps, clicks
or pop on the transition between the tracks. All the
shows are faded in/out at the beginning and end of
the show. In return, I am expecting the same quality
from your shows. Info about the source of the show
is well accepted. If you encounter technical difficulties
in achieving what I require, please notify me in time.
That doesn't mean we cannot trade, though. |
my rules seem harsh, its because I have received too
much craps in the past. If I trade with you regularly
or did in the past, these rules don't apply to you. |