Biography                                                Italian Version

Biography Bruno Gorgone (Cuneo,1958). His painting pertains to the sphere of Italian Abstraction. Since the early ‘Eighties he has been actively interested in visual arts. After obtaining his degree in Architecture at Genoa University, he moves to Venice where he extends his experience through various forms of creative expression, with particular attention to Murano glass. He is also interested in design. He is in contact with artists, writers and poets, collaborating with them in the realisation of cultural events. Since 1992 he has belonged to the Group of Venice Architect Artists, with whom he participates in international exhibitions. As from the late ‘Nineties his research has been characterised by an in-depth study of the sign/colour relationship and by an evolution towards a personal painting of patterns. In the same period, the French critic Pierre Restany, a Nouveau Réalisme theorist, becomes interested in his work and experiments in the use of new media. He organises many personal exhibitions, takes part in national and international shows and, while mainly concentrating his research on painting, he realizes ephemeral interventions linked principally with the theme of the “Garden Myth” and installations in the sphere of the works/environment relationship. He lives and works in Venice and Spotorno.
Archivio Bruno Gorgone. San Marco 3081-30124 Venezia.
Tel. cell. 3470116058 – Email: