Guides : LISTE

Edelman and Technorati Detail the Most Influential Blogs in German
As we’ve all seen from Technorati’s latest State of the Blogosphere post, the conversation is indeed global. However, as you will soon see, it's very local too. Two thirds of all blog posts are written in languages other than English.
Torrentspy Most Popular BitTorrent Site 2006
Torrentspy ended 2006 as the most popular BitTorrent site in terms of traffic. Mininova settled in second place this year. Last years winner, The Pirate bay, ended up in third place.
Subject: Galactia - Symbolism and Hidden themes
I found an interesting article on Battlestar Galactica, it is all about how there are hidden dynamics in the series. *It does include a few spoilers if you aren't up to the current episode.*
TADA!!! Netdiver best of the Year
BOTY 06 shortlist is released today. Why do we do this crazy work which demands revisiting the complete news archive for the past year??? Because we LUV everything design
Bloggers Get Together: 45Nord
The blogger GT in the greater Quebec City region is not simply tentative anymore. It’s confirmed, it will thus be Friday, February the 2nd from 8 pm at the TURF pub, on Cartier avenue. Everybody is welcome! Spread the news.
Pray for Coal
The most dangerous toys of all time
phpwcms Support :: RE: LAyout for / Link List
Insert an html cp before and behind the cp link liste: ------------------------------------- Before -> CP html: <div class="mylinklist"> Middle -> CP link liste Behind -> CP html: </div> -------------------------------------
Linux: Merging In 2.6.20
Following the release of the of the 2.6.19 kernel [story], Andrew Morton [interview] offered a list of patches in his -mm tree, summarizing for each his plans as to whether or not they will be pushed to Linus for inclusion in the
Possible Locations for the New The Pirate Bay HQ
You’ve heard of Sealand, and maybe even Ladonia, but what about Isla Montuosa, Ile de Caille, Geraldo-Pedro & Ronde Island? Those are all candidates for the next “Pirate Island”. Check out descriptions of a few potential pirate havens
PHP Accelerators
PHP Accelerators/Cachers will boost the performance of your PHP applications, by caching the compiled form of php scripts to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling the code every time the page is loaded. A PHP accelerator typically

Venez-nous jaser sur notre liste / Come chat with us on our list: CMAQ
Vous vous demandez comment participer? / You're wondering how to participate? You can try to hook up with other CMAQers in the #cmaq channel on Please come by to let us know what you think about the site and how it should be improved.
Manish Jha wird CEO der Vantrix Corporation
Montreal, 09.02.07 – Die Vantrix Corporation teilt mit, dass Manish Jha, eine im Bereich mobiler Medien erfahrene Führungspersönlichkeit, dem Unternehmen als Chief Executive Officer beitritt.
Venez-nous jaser sur notre liste / Come chat with us on our list: CMAQ
Vous vous demandez comment participer? / You're wondering how to participate? Stay informed on our latest news! You can try to hook up with other CMAQers in the #cmaq channel on Please come by to let us know what you think about the site and how it should be improved.
Ad hoc-/Firmenmeldungen
Hier finden Sie die Übersicht aller Ad-hoc und Firmenmeldungen, die bisher publiziert hat. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Meldungen nicht redaktionell bearbeitet sind!
Virtual school tour a learning experience The Ottawa Sun
Wed, January 31, 2007 Virtual school tour a learning experience By SUN STAFF Military families ferring to Petawawa will be able to tour their child's school online through a new program launched by the Conseil des ecoles catholiques de langue francaise du Centre-Est. The French-language board broke new ground yesterday when it unveiled its virtual tour of Centre scolaire catholique
Alvarez & Marsal meldet Beförderungen von hochrangigen Beratern wallstreet:online AG
Alvarez & Marsal, eine führende, weltweit agierende, unabhängige Beratungsfirma meldete
Gresham Palace auf Abstiegskurs Budapester Zeitung
Das Online-Reisemagazin Trip Advisor, das Millionen Leser hat, veröffentlichte vergangene Woche seinen Bericht ,,Traveller’s Choice 2006“, eine Liste mit den besten Hotels der Welt. Erst auf Platz 64 taucht dort das Gresham auf – ein unglaublicher Rückschlag, zieht man in Betracht, dass das Hotel vergangenes Jahr noch auf dem vierten Platz stand.
Vista: ATI veröffentlicht finalen Grafikkartentreiber WinFuture
Rechtzeitig zur Markteinführung von Windows Vista hat ATI vor kurzem die finale Ausgabe der Version 7.1 seiner Grafikkartentreiber auch für das neue Betriebssystem zum Download bereit gestellt. Vor kurzem hatte auch Konkurrent Nvidia erste finale ForceWare-Treiber verfügbar gemacht.
Ellorin: Reflections from the World Social Forum Sun Star
NAIROBI, Kenya---By the time my editors see this column in their emails, am probably already more than 30,000 feet above the Indian Ocean in a journey that would bring me back to my continent, Asia.
Brian Eno produziert Coldplay Whiskey Soda
Die endlose Liste, der Acts, welche Brian Eno produziert hat wird nun um einen prominenten Namen länger: Coldplay. Das Album befindet sich noch im Planungsstadium, Eno ist jedoch optimistisch:"It will be very original and very different from what they've done before." Was immer er damit meintliste: liste de prenom | liste serveur emule | liste de prenom | liste serveur emule | liste