He's not a well man

And he's getting worse

If he had any sense

He'd be in bed with a graduate nurse

A couple of big specialists

High priced consultation

And outside waiting in the hall

Assorted logic small poor relations

His aches have got aches

His pains are in pain

And what sizzles and frizzles

Inside there all the smartest professors could not explain

-They wouldn't know what?

Be quick as you can

I might haven't got

You're dealing with not (cough!)

With not a well man

I'm not a well man

Get worse every year

All the medical doctors

Give one look

They're amazed

I'm still here

I should own a pharmacy

For just my prescriptions

My bills for only pills alone

Would chill you to the bone

With conniptions

What I have been through

No man could recite

It would make your heart break

And play a story that only

Turn yet it maybe could write

A tragical plot

How can I plan?

I might haven't got

You're dealing with not (cough!)

With not a well man

I'm not a well man

I'm not a well man
The ballad of the garment trade

If you don't want to get nervous

Do yourself a great big service

Stay away please far from Seventh Avenue

You can lose your sense and reason

Guessing what style for next season

Yes, the dress business will make a wreck of you

It's a battle of fierce and grim

That depends on the ladies' whim

What'll Miss and Misses America's answer be

Will she say with a tossing head

And that rare guy wouldn't drop dead

Or she'll say : yes, this dress is really me

On guessing what, a day will say

A sheer impossibility

This poor kid's brave, he worked away

And try to build that industry

How crazy, bold and reckless

Can human beings be...

Hip, hip, hooray!

For the garment trade

Hear the cheer to push the music hits us everyone

Day after day...

They go on this way

To the cockeyed way the job that must be done

Off to the fray on the brave crusade

Gallant ladies' garment trade

Though in health got speed

In a gesture breed, made all answers on parade

What a business what a sack game

Yet it's about as much your business is a crap game

Snapper, zipper, bowler, button

All we know is what the experts know from nothin'

So the last line you got pie with

Coming right up is another you could die with

If you're right the dough could flow in

If you're not you haven't got a pot to sew with

Off to the fray on the brave crusade

Gallant ladies' garment trade

Though in health got speed

In a gesture breed, made all answers on parade

Off to the fray on the brave crusade

Gallant ladies' garment trade

Though in health got speed

In a gesture breed, made all answers on parade...

Miss Marmelstein

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Oh, why is it always Miss Marmelstein?

Miss Marmelstein?

Miss Marmelstein?

Other girls get called by their first names right away

They get cozy intimate ...

Do you know what I mean?

Nobody calls me: "hey, baby doll!"

Or "Honey Dear" or "Sweetie Pie"

Even my first name would be preferable

Though it's terrible, it might be better:

It's Yetta!

Or perhaps my second name that's Tessye

Spells T-E-S-S-Y-E!

But no, no, it's always Miss Marmelstein!

You'd think at least Miss M. they could try...

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Oh, I could die!

I'm a very willing secretary

Enjoy my work as my employer will corroborate

Except for one disappointment one fly in the ointment

It's great I mean simply great

But the aggravation of my situation

I might as well get it off my chest

It's the drum appellation

Oh pardon the big words

I apply But I was an English major at C.C.N.Y.

Drum appellation!

Well, literally I am persistently addressed

Persistently, perpetually, continually and inevitably addressed!

Believe me, it could drive a person positively psychosomatic

Why is it always Miss Marmelstein?

Miss Marmelstein?

Miss Marmelstein?

Other girls get called by their nick names right away

Slightly naughty or riske

Do you know what I mean?

Ha! Ha...Mmmmmmm!

Nobody calls me : "Koo-Chee-Koo" or "Boobala" or "Passion Pie"

Even "Hey There Babe!" thought not respectable

Ain't so objectable

It's kind of crummy but chummy

Of course if I got married, that would do it

So, where's the lucky guy?

Ha... Till then it still is Miss Marmelstein!

Everyday I get more and more fast

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Miss Marmelstein!

Oh...Oh...Oh...! I could Bust!

What are they doing to us now?

As we get older, there's nothing surer

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

Those small misfortunes all start to pile up

And it gets harder to keep a smile up

But we keep hoping, while all dreams linger

That we'll get lucky one fine day

Then once again fate gives us the finger

Once again with a sigh

We look up to the sky

With a quizzical eye

And quietly say:

What are they doing to us now?

What's the latest ruin to us now?

Someone up there is getting careless

What are they doing to us now?

Anyhow, what are they doing to us now?

Makes no difference if a man is slave or king born

He always is to pain and suffering

Naked, he's pushed out his new life to begin

Ain't or not

The awkward way that he came in?

When did he understand just why he's here

Clap comes from the dark

A big smack on the rear

From then on continuous without a stop

Ah, life's the same old story

Clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, clop

Science keeps advancing always on the run

All they seem to do is take from life the fun

Smoking, on and on,

It wears your heart away

Drinking shrinks for you the level day by day

Eating makes you fat

You weighted down to check

Sex you do, you don't, you'll have a nervous wreck

Future generations we are all to one

Hey, then do yourself a favor: don't get born,

Don't get born, don't get born!

What are they doing to us now?

What's the latest ruin to us now?

Careless, what are they doing to us now?

What are they doing...

What are they doing...

What are they doing...

What are they doing...

What are they doing to us now?
