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Alvarion Mixes Wi-Fi, pre-WiMax, WiMax
Alvarion has added WiMax base stations that include Wi-Fi: The BreezeMax WI2 and BreezeAccess WI2 are certainly the leading ends of a trend to make fixed WiMax (licensed bands) and pre-WiMax (5 GHz band) a complement to Wi-Fi.
Pipex Wireless Sees FMC Driving WiMAX Interest
Pipex Wireless, the joint venture between chip giant Intel Corp, and the ISP and hosting services provider Pipex Communications Plc, believes that the trend for FMC (fixed-mobile convergence) is driving renewed interest in WiMAX
BlogTalkRadio: A buzz-building new radio format for "citizen
Will it expand to Internet radios in cars through WiMax? Is it a new form of social media, post-blogging, It's something to media trend watch, or at least listen to A new online radio blogging network, BlogTalkRadio.com,
Sequans Communications Selects Verisilicon’s Zsp540 Processor For
Sequans’ decision reflects a common trend where many customers have chosen a ZSP Sequans Communications is a leading supplier of fixed and mobile WiMAX silicon Sequans, along with its RF partners, provide the most complete WiMAX
Trends in Communications & Nortel
The trend shows consolidation between telecom carriers, one after the other. They are focusing resources on new and different technology, like WiMax (high Already Nortel is in a joint venture with LG on WiMax development,
News: PICNIC 06 Review, Amsterdam
(see the CScout trend on Wimax). Infrastructures boost the community, also in term of giving to the people new possibilities to develop new local media formats and new ways to communicate. Contact us for more details on this trend.
Sprint Commits to Mobile WiMAX
Trend: Fast, inexpensive wireless broadband will available next year, and it will jumpstart mobile networks into the next wave of computing and communications. Katie Fehrenbacher at GigaOM describes Sprint's commitment to mobile WiMax
Leveling the Mobile Playing Field: Mobile Startups & Microsoft
Future hot trends:. Off-bill D2C services (direct to consumer, w/o the carrier); Mobile advertising; Mobile IM - growth in North America; LBS (location based services) - carrier marketing, GSM carriers; Mobile device management; WiMAX
LG: WinMo 5 and Tablet PC with WiMAX, possibly a UMPC in ‘08
Looks like all of the good mobile news is coming out of the International Telecommunication Union Telecomm World 2006 conference in Hong Kong; I knew I should have renewed that passport! LG is the mobile king at the moment: their KC1
Samsung's MITs
It is scheduled to be released in South Korea in early 2007 with Intel, Sprint Nextel and Motorola all looking to commercialize it in the States soon thereafter. Samsung Electronics unveils new communication device tailored for WiMax

2005-2006 Research Report on China WIMAX Development Trend.
2005-2006 Research Report on China WIMAX Development Trend. May. 2006. List Price:$3000 Key words: WIMAX Abstract:. Purchase details. Related Reports
Trend 3
Und vor allem die neue WiMAX-Technologie soll in den nächsten Jahren für WiMAX steht für „Woldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access“ und wird
[Report] Worldwide WiMAX & Broadband Wireless Market Research
Regulation: What are the regulatory trends for BWA/WIMAX in each region? it represents the enabling trend in semiconductors and open standards
[Report] WiMAX, 2nd Edition: Analyzing End User Demand Trends
This NSR report provides an in-depth overview of the global WiMAX industry by tracking customer demand trends and competitive platforms, as well as economic
Trend: Wireless vs. Ethernet in the enterprise - Wifi news, WiMAX
Are we coming to the end of the line? As the lines between WLAN and Ethernet switch gears what connects end users continues to be blurred, and as Cisco,
Il Tao dei blog - Brand e Trend
under: Web Cultura, Brand e Trend, Parole — hyle @ 23:25 basta un computer portatile e un accesso WiMAX (per dirne una) per ottenere il substrato
iBusiness.de - News und Trends fuer die New Media Branche
iBusiness - der Trend- und Hintergrunddienst für die New Media Branche Relevante Themenbereiche und Tags zum Tag 'Wimax'. Breitband DSL Mobil Studie
- Digital Communities
International Muni-Wireless Trend Is Toward Private Ownership · Report Outlines Wi-Fi Future for UK Libraries · WiSOA: WiMAX Spectrum Owners Alliance
Portable Design - WiMAX: Ready for prime time
To respond to that trend, WiMAX vendors plan to use programmable components such as DSPs so that their products can cater to both markets.
WiMAX Business Track
WIMAX AND THE MOBILE ENTERPRISE Bettina Tratz-Ryan, Research Director, Gartner. The mobile enterprise is a major trend among large companies as they seek to trend+wimax: trend+wimax
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