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legal guardian: Information from Answers.com
This entry contains information applicable to United States law only. Guardian Ad Litem A guardian appointed by the court to represent the interests.
California Courts: Self-Help Center: Families & Children
But if a child is a dependent of the juvenile court, only the juvenile court can appoint a legal guardian for the child. If the child in your case is a
Legal guardianship and unmarried couples
Law in Ireland regarding guardianship of children of non-marital relationships.
Guardians Ad Litem
What is a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) and When Must a GAL Be Appointed? A guardian ad litem in Virginia is an attorney appointed by a judge to assist the
The Guardianship Book for California: How to Become a Child's
The Guardianship Book for California includes all the necessary forms and instructions for becoming a legal guardian in California.
NC Courts | Family Law
If the child already lives with me, do I need a legal guardianship? A legal guardianship is a court order that makes an adult other than a parent
Til death do us part. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
All that matters is that these disputes are governed by law, that the law says Michael Schiavo is her legal guardian, and that his decision ought to have
Berkeley Parents Network: Child Custody
I have taken in my 14 year old niece and would like some advice on legal guardianship. Her parents are divorced and are not contributing to her living
Information Sheet for Parents - Legal Guardianship - Ministry of
This page contains an information sheet on legal guardianship for parents of If a student is found not to be living with a parent or legal guardian,
Appointing a Legal Guardian - LegalZoom.com
Is the person a legal adult? A minor cannot be a legal guardian for another minor. Where does this person live? Would my children be uprooted and moved away legal+guardianship: legal+guardianship
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