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Don’t blame the judge, blame the 2002-2003 School Committee
If you read the article in yesterday’s Lowell Sun regarding the legal ruling odering According to the web site of the Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund The arbitration hearings, which concluded in the fall of 2005,
Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution: Woolf on the floor
A docket system; less front-loading of costs; a specialist Court of Appeal; better court technology — suggestions for improving the UK’s civil justice system came thick and fast at the Legal Week Litigation Forum.
Arbitration: International standard bearers
Arbitration offers significant advantages over litigation, not only because of the worldwide enforceability of its flexible rules of procedure and evidence allow greater efficiency and accommodate users from diverse legal systems
Dechert hires Paris arbitration star
Dechert has boosted its Paris offering with the hire of highly-rated independent arbitration lawyer Pierre Mayer
Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution: Judge Dread
The US-UK Extradition Treaty extends the right of the US courts to order the extradition of a suspect in the UK without evidence. Justin Williams, James Warnot, Ivan Morales and Robert Bell warn that this cannot be avoided by UK
Arbitration is the Way of the Future for Commercial Legal Disputes
The survey findings were mentioned in The Way of the Future Special Report: Arbitration in the Daily Business Reviews of Broward, Miami, and Palm Beach and later in Is Arbitration the Way of the Future for Commercial Disputes? on
Binding Mediation Upheld by the California Courts
be unlikely since the winery had already agreed to implement the mediator's agreement. Technorati Tags: Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR, Binding, Mediation, Law, Legal, Union, Agriculture, Workers, UFCW, Hess, Winery, California
Legalese with Ease - Legal Terms for Human Resources Professionals
Legalese with Ease- Legal Terms for Human Resources Professionals is the most comprehensive for over 400 legal terms used within the human resources profession. Human Rights and labour arbitration, before the courts, Arbitration
Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution: A Birthday Tribute
The Arbitration Act is enjoying the prolonged 10th anniversary celebration to The completion of the Act’s first decade presents an opportunity for users and practitioners of arbitration to reflect on a statute that was intended to
Public Citizen: Arbitration More Expensive Than Court - So Costly
Arbitration is a private legal system in which, practically speaking, no appeals are allowed. Arbitrators tend to favor businesses, and arbitration awards tend to be much lower than jury verdicts, because arbitrators often favor
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