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meeting with the leadership of major oil companies concerning an incipient "moratorium" on gasoline price hikes. Despite the fact that a consolidated opposition to the government is not expected,
and the mastella award goes to
also includes strong federal anti-price gouging protection to protect consumers against anti-competitive behavior by oil companies or other suppliers of gasoline. Our free market system works, but

Gasoline Prices
Links to Gasoline Price Information, finding the least expensive gas, improving the gas mileage of your car, state and national gas prices from the US
CNN/Money: Global gas prices
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) – Gasoline prices in the United States, which have recently hit record highs, are actually much lower than in many countries.
A Primer On Gasoline Prices
A major factor influencing gasoline prices in 2005 was the increase in crude oil Rapid gasoline price increases have occurred in response to crude oil
Current Gas Prices and Price History
Prices are DOE's US average prices for all formulations of regular gasoline. Because "Today's dollars" are worth less than the "Today's dollars" of a year
Howstuffworks "How Gas Prices Work"
When gas prices are on the rise, it can be economically devastating –- an increase of just a penny per gallon can hit some of us pretty hard.
Daily Fuel Gauge Report
Media are encouraged to localize fuel price stories by contacting their local each day and is the most comprehensive retail gasoline survey available.
Trip Gas Price
Although the total number of miles driven and prices paid for gasoline during your trip may vary from the estimates provided, the AAA Fuel Cost Calculator
Gas Prices - MSN Autos
View gas prices in your area to find the cheapest fuel from MSN Autos.
Gasoline prices in inflation-adjusted (2005) Cents, 1950 to 2006

USA National Gas Temperature Map
Areas are color coded according to their price for the average price for regular unleaded gasoline. Click here for the Canada National Gas Temperature Map. gasoline+price: average gasoline price , gasoline historical price , average gasoline price , gasoline historical price , gasoline+price
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