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Free Legal Advice 5
Today's advice comes from a case from New Jersey in the 1920's. The defendant owned two adjoining homes that shared a "detached privy" (ie outhouse). Though tenants had often complained that the privy was in disrepair, the defendant
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An absolutely amazing bar association: Broome County, NY
Flood victims continue to seek free legal advice offered by Broome's bar, although the calls have slowed to about eight to 10 a week on issues ranging from bankruptcy to flood insurance to FEMA appeals, said Garey, executive director of
Needy Families Get Free Legal Advice
BROOKLYN - With the opening of the Self-Represented Legal Services Project at Brooklyn Family Court, for the first who do not have an attorney will be able to obtain free legal advice from pro bono attorneys right in the courthouse
Jane is annoyed that her office party is at the office. I commented at her blog, and repeat, that I personally love office parties. They generate more lawsuits than a chemical spill in Bangladesh. The reason for this is simple.
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of tightfistedness and distrust ain’t going to motivate Cindy to come to your grave and reflect on your tragic passing, believe me. Your estate planning lawyer will thank you. *Still not to be construed as offer of free legal advice
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Disorderly Conduct at Work.
Hello, I am looking for advice, and I didn't know where which forum to put this in, and this seeemed to fit. If It is in the wrong place, I appologize for the inconvienence. I am 18 years old, turning 19 this month and am a resident of
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As we are always in a state of improving things here and we listen to suggestions, please feel free to either write us or comment on this thread with your thoughts. Here's a sample below: Michael's Profile
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