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The Manama Dialogue: List of Speakers
Chairman, National Security Agency and Head of the Presidential Office , Yemen. General Ehsan Ul Haq. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee , Pakistan. Dr Mowaffak Al Rubaie. National Security Adviser, Iraq
Reactions to the ISG/Baker report
Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The effect was to diminish the commission as merely one among several groups offering advice. For all intents and purposes Pace's group is a counter-commission.
Eric Alterman: Think Again: What'dI Say?
Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that the United States is neither winning nor losing in Iraq. (Pace had spoken on an off-the-record basis, but the senators quoted him by name.) Gates said he agrees with Pace's view."
Gore goes to Iowa
Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Secretary of State. Gore's speech, to be in the Elmen Center, will be free and open to the public, but tickets are necessary for admission.
A Day That Is Living In Infamy
Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bush has heard his team's consolidated but still-incomplete conclusions and is expected to get the final report in about two weeks. Last week, the president portrayed his meeting in
Baker doesn't want anyone cherry-picking his report
Committee Chairman John Warner said Bush will have to look at the report as well as consider National Security Council input and an upcoming report from the Joint Chiefs of Staff:. Warner: And then he's got to synthesize this,
Just The Who’s Who of This Cut Run Surrender, Appe
As Treasury Secretary, he was also Chairman of the President's Economic Policy Council. From 1981 to 1985, he served as White House Chief of Staff to President Reagan. Mr. Baker's record of public service began in 1975 as Under
Leave Iraq now; don't wait until 2008 election day
Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has finally admitted that pretty much nothing is going right in Iraq. Duh. Our president, who froze the whole process of planning and fighting a war by declaring that he was
Taps for the Constitution
deference to lame-duck chairman John Warner's (R-Va. Gates, 63, a former CIA chief and Russia expert who has served four in the field and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to formulate recommendations on Iraq "with considerable urgency.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says Rumsfel
"He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Now if that's not bullshit, I don't know what is. When are people going to realize we are

The Memory Hole >Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
In the following article, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff accuses Israel of intentionally attacking the USS Liberty.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Message. During each federal election year, FVAP works with the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - information on Chairman of
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff A general or admiral appointed by the President to serve as his senior military advisor.
Joint Chiefs of Staff: Definition and Much More from Answers.com
In 1949, an amendment to the National Security Act of 1947 established the position of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the chairman was to preside
Online NewsHour: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Discusses Military
Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He's been the principal military advisor to the president and the secretary of defense since one
Think Progress » 5th Former Joint Chiefs Chairman Objects to Bush
Colin Powell, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sent a letter to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) objecting to the President’s plan to redefine Common
A -- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Training Master. Plan 2002. B -- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Training Guidance
USNA Honorable Graduates - Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Arthur W. Radford, 1916 -- Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff · Arthur W. Radford Class of 1916 Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
USNA Honorable Graduates - Vice Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Robert T. Herres, 1954 -- Vice Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Robert T. Herres Class of 1954 Vice Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Chiefs of Staff - The New York Times
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has completed a new, classified counterterrorism strategy that focuses on areas identified as necessary for chairman+of+the+joint+chiefs+of+staff: chairman+of+the+joint+chiefs+of+staff
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