Sentiero degli Alpini:

Going up again the val Nervia we arrive after about twenty of kilometers, to pine-cone, to proceeding here in hill direction of the Melosa (1541), arrive, after about twenty of minute, to the refuge Allavena (Bordighera C.A.I..) We leave the car and go up again the excavated road, for about a kilometer, up to fountain Italian, from one feeds the path that is shown by one wooden panel here. The path is dug mostly in the rock and panoramic nature is very striking for the high one. The interest of the way is not only paesaggistico, but also naturalistic. Her flora, thanks to the climate and the characteristics of the ground, is of remarkable interest, one find kinds typical of the Mediterranean stain, alpestrine grasslands and larch woods. On the walls of rock, between in May and June, can see the bloom of the Saxifraga lingulata, a grieved endemic Provençal Ligurian.

The original way goes from source Dragurina in step of the lncisa along the western versant of the Mt. Toraggio and to he arrives, here crossing the eastern versant of the Mt. Pietravecchia, to Agnaira saddle. To tunnels one alternate strokes exposed, the transit in these points is facilitated by metal cables, we advise to pay a lot of attention to the state of the anchorages of the cables. From the step of source Dragurina (1810 m.) One feeds the high street, coming from step walled in, that cutting the North versant of the mountain Toraggio reaches the Mt. Pietravecchia (2038 m.). From source Dragurina can always climb onto the Mt. Toraggio (1973 m.)Steep one track, crossing a vague channel, arrives in top exceeding a few rocky steps. Her 'engraved striking throat dell 'divides the mountains Toraggio and Pietravecchia and to be able to go up again it built states, are with the dry wall help, a series of very steep small bends that clamber up 150 meters. On the west versant of the Pietravecchia there attrezatura (information to the refuge) are two streets fitted with iron to face only if one has the experience necessary and the suitable one. The point higher of the way is the dell's step (1.909 meters), between a typically alpine flora solid one chamois colony lives.

The path covers hours in about 6, for additional information turn it to the C.A.I., you dissect of Bordighera, Ventimiglia and S. Remo or directly to the refuge Allavena..


Copyright © 2001 Diego Miseria