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Experiments with bed bugs
I have done experiments, since I have bed bugs handy unfortunately, and I can report that none of the commercially available consumer products I tested work on bed bugs. You can soak a bed bug with pesticides and they will survive,
Bed Bug Terminator product
Bed Bug Terminator is now available. It is a non-toxic product designed to kill bed bugs on contact. check it out at http://www.licescabiesandbedbugs. com/BedBug-Treatments-and-Products-/Ginesis-BedBugTerminator.asp
Bed Bug Bed Protector Prototype
For those of you with the appropriate skills, this product would make an excellent craft to be selling at those market fairs that happen from time to time, and with a bed bug plague on and people being so damned helpless,
EcoBugFree Shines During Efficacy Study
We recently had the University of Virginia perform an efficacy study on the EcoBugFree for Bed Bugs product. The entemology department will be presenting a formal paper at an upcoming seminar about the effectiveness of EcoBugFree for
FAQ: How do I protect my bed from bed bugs?
Also, please feel free to add any other reputable sources for products. Please don’t plug products you sell. If you need information on other aspects of your bed bug war, go back to the FAQs by clicking here
New York Bed Bug Kit
The New York Bed Bug Kit contains a combination of professional products that are registered for use in New York, making it an ideal choice for New York residents that are treating a one or two bedroom apartment.
Attention Christmas shoppers, take a look at our new *TIPPING
The good news, they are offering these bedroom accessories for what they really are, no euphemisms. The bad news, the bed bug infestations have grown so much nationally, they can offer these products for what they really are,
Comment on Google, the world’s largest startup? by Shawn Oster
IT calls you to let you know they have to bounce the server or the router just crapped the bed. Everytime I see a new feature come out in a product that still has bugs I want to smack the developer so hard they only see in 2-bits
EcoBugFree for Bed Bugs is a Hit
Once pharmacy in New York said they were getting 15-20 customers a day asking about a bed bug product. Right now two stores should have the product on their shelves: Crown Pharmacy in Elmhurst, NY and Summit True Value in Summit,
Top Ten Bed Bug Hiding Places
Where the carpet meets the baseboard4. In cracks in the baseboard3. Behind the head board2. On the bed frame And the number 1 hiding place for bed bugs is in the mattress and box springs Check out the new EcoBugFree for Bed Bugs product
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