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An adorable Shih-Tzu captivated the hearts of Rapid City Journal readers and nabbed the title of Pet Idol Rapid City Journal
Bobbie Sue — a tiny silver and white Shih-Tzu — received the most votes in the Rapid City Journal’s Pet Idol competition held recently. Moreover, the 13-year-old petite pooch from Spearfish captured the hearts of many through the contest, her mama, Joan Bockwoldt of Spearfish, said.
Hanoi, Vietnam Nov. 14 (CNA) Taiwan's APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) program has helped the country win friendship with many member states of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, improving its international profile in the process, Taiwan's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Yang Tzu-pao said here Tuesday.
Owners of neglected dog sought Tucson Citizen
The Pima County Animal Cruelty Task Force is asking for help finding the owners of an abandoned Shih Tzu nicknamed "Silver Cactus."
Taipei, Nov. 11 (CNA) The government will send a working-level delegation to visit Nicaragua in coming days as part of its efforts to shore up bilateral diplomatic relations, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Yang Tzu-pao said Monday.
Rudy aiming at White House New York Daily News
America's mayor is taking the first step toward an official run for America's President.
Authorities seek owner of Shih Tzu abandoned in Reddington Pass KVOA Tucson
The dog was tied to a rock, severely malnourished, dehydrated, and covered in cactus thorns.
"All the King's Men" The Davis Enterprise
Published Sep 28, 2006 - 14:21:03 CDT. Four stars. Classic political fable has lost none of its power. It’s an immutable truth: If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
Religious Leaders: Organ Donation Holy Act RedNova
By DENNIS McCARTHY Jackie Colleran looked around the room of religious leaders gathered in West Hills recently to talk about National Donor Sabbath this weekend, and he said what was on everyone's mind.
Machine Gun Sentry Robot Unveiled Slashdot
mpthompson writes "Samsung has partnered with a Korean university to develop a robotic sentry equipped with a 5.5mm machine gun. Meant for deployment along the DMZ between North and South Korea, the $200,000 robot employs sophisticated pattern recognition software for targeting humans. No three laws here, but the robot does include a speaker that can be used to politely issue a warning before
Confucianism BellaOnline
Who was Confucious and what were his beliefs?

Sun Tzu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only surviving source on the life of Sun Tzu is the biography written in the 2nd According to tradition, King Helü of Wu hired Sun Tzu as a general
Mekong Shih Tzu - Allevamento esclusivo per la selezione dello
Mekong Shih Tzu - Allevamento esclusivo per la selezione della razza Shih Tzu.
Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism
A brief look at Lao Tzu.
L’arte della guerra
Sun Tzu. 2. VALUTAZIONE. 1. La guerra è di somma importanza per lo Stato: è sul campo Sun Tzu. 15. 18. Le valutazioni della quantità si deducono dalle
SHIH TZU - Allevamento
Lo Shih-Tzu è diventato il cane preferito dalla corte imperiale cinese. Lo Shih-Tzu fa facilmente amicizia e se addestrato costantemente darà buoni

Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism
A brief look at Lao Tzu.
L’arte della guerra
Sun Tzu. 2. VALUTAZIONE. 1. La guerra è di somma importanza per lo Stato: è sul campo Sun Tzu. 15. 18. Le valutazioni della quantità si deducono dalle
SHIH TZU - Allevamento
Lo Shih-Tzu è diventato il cane preferito dalla corte imperiale cinese. Lo Shih-Tzu fa facilmente amicizia e se addestrato costantemente darà buoni
SUN TZU ON THE ART OF WAR. THE OLDEST MILITARY TREATISE IN THE WORLD. Translated from the Chinese with Introduction and Appreciations of Sun Tzu
::::::::::PingXiang ShihTzu:::::::::::::::
Pingxiang, shihtzu, SHIHTZU, cani tibetani, tibetan dog, campioni internazionali, cani a pelo lungo, cani da compagnia, toy, international champion,
Liber Liber: Biblioteca | Autori L | Lao Tzu
Liber Liber, http://www.liberliber.it/, promuove il progetto Manuzio: biblioteca digitale ad accesso gratuito.
Morte - il sottile confine fra vita e morte - introspezione e
Lao-Tzu. segue uno spunto di riflessione di uno fra i più grandi e saggi liberi pensatori: Jiddu Krishnamurti vi auguro una buona lettura
American Shih Tzu Club
The American Shih Tzu Club, Inc. (ASTC) was formed in 1963 by a small group of individuals who shared a common interest in, love for, and commitment to the
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