Cage and Cage Are Double Enigma for Virgin Comics Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance LOS ANGELES----The Cage family and Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Comics are collaborating on two comic book thrillers: Enigma and The Sadhu, it was announced today by Sharad Devarajan, Virgin Comics' CEO. 'Xena' returns in new comics series Philadelphia Daily News That sound you hear is a familiar "Yi-Yi-Yi-Yi-Yi" battle cry. Yes, thanks to Dynamite Entertainment, "Xena" is back in her own comic- book series and, based on the first four issues, they have knocked it out of the park. This series will succeed where previous attempts to adapt the popular character to comics have failed. Five days, 130 comics and a barrel of laughs USA Today A Lollapalooza of laughter kicks off tonight on the Strip as more than 130 comedians are set to perform over five days. The Comedy Festival, in only its second year, has emerged as the world's biggest comedy event, filling four showrooms at Caesars Palace and drawing a wide range of talent led by red-hot Dane Cook, Sarah Silverman, Damon Wayans and many more. COMICS SCHEDULE Washington Post Page 1 CrosSynergy Crossword: Monday-Saturday Jumble Crossword: Monday-Saturday Cage Teams With Deepak Chopra For Comic Adaptation ContactMusic Oscar winner NICOLAS CAGE will star in a big screen adaptation of Virgin Comics THE SADHU which will be written by spiritual author DEEPAK CHOPRA. Th Comics The Star-Ledger It's time, once again, to hang up the capes and tights for a while in pursuit of some dignified adult comics. Perhaps a highly personal tale of angst like "American Splendor" or even a history-based epic such as Eric Shanower's "Age of Bronze." Hoosier Dads = Good clean fun The Herald Bulletin It started on a whim, one man realizing he had something in common with two others — Hoosier fatherhood. Brad Tassell, Dave Dugan and Kevin Burke were contributing to a Best of Midwest Comics CD recording a few years ago when the spark of inspiration happened, according to Dugan. Firefly Continues Growth CHICAGO -- Firefly Mobile, the designer, developer and manufacturer of Firefly™, the industry’s first Mobile Phone for Mobile Kids™, proudly announces a licensing agreement with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, to unveil a new line of kid’s mobile phones featuring imagery of such world-renowned characters as Tweety and DC Comics’ Superman and Supergirl. Can you tickle some funnybones? Lowell Sun Beginning Sunday, Jan. 7, The Sun will launch a Community Comics Page featuring strips and panels drawn by the public. That's right. This is your chance to shine. Racism row over annual reprint West Lothian Courier The publishers of one of Scotland's most famous comics have been criticised after it was claimed a reprinted annual contained racist material.
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