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Aggiungere la unit Wininet alla uses-list [code lang=\"delphi\"] function Connesso: Boolean; begin Result := False; if InternetGetConnectedState(nil, 0) then Result := True
Essential Pascal
Integer; begin Result := Value * 2; end ; L'uso di Result invece del nome della funzione per assegnare il valore di ritorno, e' diventato abbastanza popolare e, secondo me, tende a rendere il codice piu
Object Pascal Languanges
begin. Result := False; with Clipboard do begin. try. Open; if(HasFormat(CF_TEXT)) then begin. hData := GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT) ; ps1 := GlobalLock(hData) ; dwLen := GlobalSize(hData
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Nome : E-mail : Inserisci il risultato di questa somma per evitare lo spam: 3+7. You insert the result of this sum in order to avoid the Spam: 3+7 . In caso contrario il messaggio non sarà
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begin ; result := nil; clazz := TFormClass(FindClass(FormNameToSearch)); if assigned(clazz) then ; begin //trovato, creo la classe ; result := clazz.Create(Application
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11 Nov 06 02:56:00 UTCmarcocantu.com - Code Repository
Integer; begin Result := fList.Count; end ; end . MdDsCustom.pas: unit MdDsCustom; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Db; type EMdDataSetError = class (Exception
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result: string; begin hDll:=LoadLibrary('Mytest.dll'); { carica la dll in memoria} FuncPtr:=GetProcAddress(hDLL,'CallMe'); { ottiene il puntatore alla funzione "esterna"

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program ShowServiceDacl; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows, WinSVC; Var scHndl, sHndl: THandle; Function toOEM(aStr: String): String; Begin Result
SizeOf(TSysCharSet)] of Byte; function Sub(const S: string; After: Integer): string; begin if After<0 then After:=Succ(Length(S)+After); Result:=Copy(S,
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MakeValidName(Name: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := LowerCase(Name); for i := Length(Result) downto 1 do if Result[i] in ['.
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FarEast then begin {$ENDIF} for I := Start downto 1 do if Line[I] in AChars then begin Result := I; Exit; end; {$IFDEF SYN_MBCSSUPPORT} end else begin
Education Week: The Breakup: Suburbs Try Smaller High Schools
they begin their effort to create better high schools for their students. they worried aloud about the disruption that could result if children from

SizeOf(TSysCharSet)] of Byte; function Sub(const S: string; After: Integer): string; begin if After<0 then After:=Succ(Length(S)+After); Result:=Copy(S,
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MakeValidName(Name: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := LowerCase(Name); for i := Length(Result) downto 1 do if Result[i] in ['.
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FarEast then begin {$ENDIF} for I := Start downto 1 do if Line[I] in AChars then begin Result := I; Exit; end; {$IFDEF SYN_MBCSSUPPORT} end else begin
Education Week: The Breakup: Suburbs Try Smaller High Schools
they begin their effort to create better high schools for their students. they worried aloud about the disruption that could result if children from
[ntfslink-cvs] CVS commit to /cvsroot/ntfslink/source by miracle2kay
-111,6 +115,11 @@ dwAttrib: DWORD): HResult; begin Result := S_FALSE; + + // IconOverlays are disabled for some drive types (e.g. remote) + if not
[fpc-pascal]no refcounted interfaces
_Release: Integer; > begin > Result := -1 > end; > > > We are all experiencing the same kind of problems: > > 1) there's no easy way to obtain a TObject
Processor Editorial Search Results: Articles which begin with the
Processor Editorial Search Results: Articles which begin with the letter B.
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Teva plans to begin marketing the product immediately. The response to the approvable letters includes the results of the MEDAL Program,
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