Soft movements according to Thekkekara.
A natural and risolutive treatment for disk Hernia.

Scan before treatment
Scan after treatment
Scan before treatment
Scan after treatment
Scan before and after the treatment shows the effective reduction of the disc hernias
Soft movements
Incredible but it is true!
Disk Hernia. Treatments.

Curriculum Vitae

Graduated, from the University of Madras, Bachelor of Science, B.Sc. (India).

Graduated, from the University of Modena, Medicine and Surgery, MD. (Italy).

Specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology, from the University of Florence (Italy).

Specialized in General Surgery, from the University of Padova (Italy).

He has worked at the Orthopedic Institute of Malcesine and at the civil hospital of Isola della Scala (Italy).

He has presented his personal method of treatment at the congresses of the “Emiliana-Romagnola-Triveneta Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology” held at Modena in 1989 entitled “Soft movements according to Thekkekara for the treatment of disk hernia”.

In 1990 at Parma entitled “CT scan controlled studies of patients treated with Soft movements according to Thekkekara for the treatment of vertebral disk hernia: Considerations and Results”.

In 1991 at Saint Vincent: the International Congress “Health in Mountain Sports and Tourism”, organized by World Health Organization and World Tourism Organization with the title “Soft movements according to Thekkekara for the treatment of lombalgy and lombosciatalgy in Mountain Sports and Tourism”.

In 1992 at Milan: the Interdisciplinary World Congress “On Osteoarthritis: Pathogenetic, Clinical, Therapeutic and Social Problems” with the title: “Soft movements according to Thekkekara: a natural method for the treatment of the inter-vertebral disk relapses”.

In 1995 at Treviso: the 12th National Congress of S.I.P.A.L. “On Pathology of Locomotor Apparatus and Sports” with the title: “Soft movements according to Thekkekara: a new method for the treatment of sciatical disk hernia”.

In 2000 at Rome: in the Catholic University of Agostino Gemelli in the faculty of medicine and surgery with the title: "Soft movements according to Thekkekara: A natural and resolutive treatment for disk relapses".

Prof. Dr. Jacob Thekkekara

Via, G. Pascoli 437060 Buttapietra, Verona - Italy

Tel. 045 666 05 85

email: thekkekara.j@tin.it

Website by Predip Thekkekara.

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